by David Carter
Greetings, sales charts fans! It’s time once again to look at DC’s sales figures.
So, DC did pretty well in July. And by that I mean really well. Almost unbelievably well.
Rebirth is a huge hit. Remember how big the The 52 was? So far, Rebirth is bigger.
The first two months of the New 52 saw average DCU sales of 67K & 59K. The first two months average sales of the DCU titles during Rebirth are 66K & 90K. That’s right, average DCU sales this months are 90K per title! And yes, that includes the lower-selling titles holding over that haven’t yet been cancelled or transitioned over to Rebirth. (If you count just the Rebirth titles, the average sales in July are 116K!) After adjusting for returnability, DC had twenty comics over 100K.
DC sold over 4 million comics in July; compare that to less than 2 million in May (the month before Rebirth).
Now no one expects sales to stay up at these levels; inevitably they will fall back to Earth. The question is if they can keep them high up enough to be demonstrably better than they were in the New 52 days. And if they can keep the excitement up for new Rebirth titles as they are added over the coming months. And how well their mini-series will sell. And how well the Young Animal titles do when they debut over September through November. And, and, and. There are a lot of questions up-in-the-air; but so far, so good with Rebirth.
Warning: The commentary below may contain reasoned analysis, speculation (unfounded and otherwise), opinion, and/or snark. Those looking for a more straightforward analysis are directed to John Jackson Miller’s excellent Comichron analysis, posted earlier this month over at Comichron!
Please consider the fine print at the end of the column. Thanks to Milton Griepp and for the permission to use their figures. An overview of’s estimates can be found here.
(Note that the percentage comparisons are now done with total orders including reorder activity, as opposed to initial orders as was the practice of this column under the previous administration.)
1, 2 - JUSTICE LEAGUE ($2.99) 07/2012: Justice League #11 -- 123,971 07/2013: Justice League #22 -- 110,194 [124,026] 07/2014: Justice League #32 -- 88,179 [87,169] -------------------------------------- 07/2015: Justice League #42 -- 81,291 (- 12.7%) [84,202] 08/2015: Justice League #43 -- 82,304 (+ 1.1%) [85,119] 09/2015: Justice League #44 -- 76,752 (- 5.3%) [80,630] 10/2015: Justice League #45 -- 77,192 (- 2.7%) [78,416] 11/2015: -- 12/2015: Justice League #46 -- 75,660 (- 3.5%) 12/2015: Justice League #47 -- 84,970 (+ 21.2%) [91,688] 01/2016: -- 02/2016: Justice League #48 -- 72,704 (- 20.7%) 03/2016: -- 04/2016: Justice League #49 -- 71,131 (- 2.2%) 05/2016: Justice League #50 -- 92,423 (+ 29.9%) [100,106] 06/2016: Justice League #51 -- 70,059 (- 30.0%) 06/2016: Justice League #52 -- 72,413 (+ 3.4%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 195,402 (+169.8%) 07/2016: Justice League #1 -- 230,106 (+ 17.8%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : +152.7% 2 years : +144.1%
To no one’s surprise, the Rebirth of Justice League has a huge launch. Not quite as big as Batman last month, but still big, and with first month sales ahead of those for the New 52 launch.
New 52 #1: 185,776 [271,173]
As with all of the Rebirth books, there are freely-orderable variants. And it’s returnable, so these figures are adjusted up 10% from the estimates derived from Diamond’s figures.
3, 5 - BATMAN ($2.99) 07/2006: Batman #655 -- 113,597 [123,903] 07/2011: Batman #712 -- 51,385 07/2012: Batman #11 -- 127,210 07/2013: Batman #22 -- 132,047 07/2014: Batman #33 -- 117,996 [120,659] -------------------------------- 07/2015: Batman #42 -- 117,441 (- 18.3%) [118,702] 08/2015: Batman #43 -- 124,697 (+ 7.8%) [127,996] 09/2015: Batman #44 -- 114,409 (- 9.9%) [115,351] 10/2015: Batman #45 -- 109,367 (- 4.6%) [110,031] 11/2015: Batman #46 -- 106,989 (- 2.1%) [107,758] 12/2015: Batman #47 -- 127,201 (+ 18.0%) 01/2016: Batman #48 -- 100,962 (- 20.6%) 02/2016: Batman #49 -- 102,689 (+ 1.7%) 03/2016: Batman #50 -- 163,406 (+ 67.7%) [172,256] 04/2016: Batman #51 -- 101,922 (- 40.8%) 05/2016: Batman #52 -- 102,197 (+ 0.3%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 219,788 (+124.3%) [229,267] 06/2016: Batman #1 -- 308,396 (+ 44.9%) [332,281] 07/2016: Batman #2 -- 194,816 (- 41.4%) 07/2016: Batman #3 -- 185,833 (- 4.6%) ----------------- 6 months: + 88.5% 1 year : + 60.3% 2 years : + 57.7% 5 years : +270.4% 10 years: + 53.6%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
The only light in which these numbers look bad is in comparison to last month’s two #1 issues (the re-orders for which have been added in as the numbers in [brackets]).
Two issues of Batman a month? Smartest thing about Rebirth.
6, 9 - NIGHTWING ($2.99) 07/2006: Nightwing #122 -- 42,542 07/2012: Nightwing #11 -- 49,124 07/2013: Nightwing #22 -- 42,073 07/2014: Grayson #1 -- 81,433 [90,388] --------------------------------- 07/2015: Grayson #10 -- 33,990 (- 13.8%) [34,882] 08/2015: Grayson #11 -- 36,538 (+ 7.2%) [37,402] 09/2015: Grayson #12 -- 32,284 (- 11.0%) [33,281] 10/2015: Grayson #13 -- 32,260 (- 1.5%) [32,786] 11/2015: Grayson #14 -- 31,831 (- 1.8%) [32,201] 12/2015: Grayson #15 -- 35,765 (+ 11.1%) 01/2016: Grayson #16 -- 30,420 (- 14.9%) 02/2016: Grayson #17 -- 30,257 (- 0.5%) 03/2016: Grayson #18 -- 33,550 (+ 10.9%) 04/2016: Grayson #19 -- 27,378 (- 18.4%) 05/2016: Grayson #20 -- 23,762 (- 13.2%) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 140,631 (+491.8%) 07/2016: Nightwing #1 -- 126,266 (- 10.2%) ----------------- 6 months: +338.7% 1 year : +282.6% 2 years : + 47.6% 10 years: +213.7%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
New 52 #1: 69,686 [87,561]
Remember when Grayson #1 came out, and we all thought those were really good numbers for a comic featuring Dick Grayson? Yeah, the Rebirth of Nightwing blows those out of the water.
8 - NEW SUPER-MAN ($2.99) 07/2016: New Super-Man #1 -- 129,452
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
The first of the new titles to come out under the Rebirth banner, and sales are stellar. Had this exact same comic come our just four months earlier, it would have sold what? Maybe 40K? So score a big win for the Rebirth brand.
10, 11 - HAL JORDAN & THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS ($2.99) 07/2006: Green Lantern Corps #2 -- 56,886 07/2011: Green Lantern Corps #61 -- 60,836 07/2011: Green Lantern Corps #62 -- 57,928 07/2012: Green Lantern Corps #11 -- 42,996 07/2013: Green Lantern Corps #22 -- 42,194 07/2014: Green Lantern Corps #33 -- 32,877 [33,160] -------------------------------------------- 07/2015: -- 08/2015: -- 09/2015: -- 10/2015: -- 11/2015: -- 12/2015: -- 01/2016: Edge of Oblivion #1 of 6 -- 26,819 (- 10.7%) 02/2016: Edge of Oblivion #2 of 6 -- 21,265 (- 20.7%) 03/2016: Edge of Oblivion #3 of 6 -- 20,096 (- 5.5%) 04/2016: Edge of Oblivion #4 of 6 -- 19,434 (- 3.3%) 05/2016: Edge of Oblivion #5 of 6 -- 18,699 (- 3.8%) 06/2016: Edge of Oblivion #6 of 6 -- 18,459 (- 1.3%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 125,362 (+579.1%) 07/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #1 -- 119,579 (- 4.6%) ---------------- 6 months: +356.7% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : +269.3% 5 years : +106.2% 10 years: +115.3%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
New 52 #1: 83,077 [94,800]
12, 21 - WONDER WOMAN ($2.99) 07/2006: -- 07/2011: Wonder Woman #613 -- 29,720 07/2012: Wonder Woman #11 -- 45,669 07/2013: Wonder Woman #22 -- 35,539 07/2014: Wonder Woman #33 -- 37,431 [38,170] ------------------------------------ 07/2015: Wonder Woman #42 -- 36,668 (- 18.7%) [37,183] 08/2015: Wonder Woman #43 -- 39,646 (+ 7.9%) [40,128] 09/2015: Wonder Woman #44 -- 36,151 (- 9.1%) [36,478] 10/2015: Wonder Woman #45 -- 33,885 (- 6.1%) [34,251] 11/2015: Wonder Woman #46 -- 34,042 (+ 0.6%) [34,454] 12/2015: Wonder Woman #47 -- 40,123 (+ 16.5%) 01/2016: Wonder Woman #48 -- 32,687 (- 18.5%) 02/2016: Wonder Woman #49 -- 35,398 (+ 8.3%) 03/2016: Wonder Woman #50 -- 36,328 (+ 2.6%) 04/2016: Wonder Woman #51 -- 29,787 (- 18.0%) 05/2016: Wonder Woman #52 -- 29,673 (- 0.4%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 103,904 (+316.6%) [123,624] 06/2016: Wonder Woman #1 -- 118,511 (+ 5.5%) [130,381] 07/2016: Wonder Woman #2 -- 114,135 (- 12.5%) 07/2016: Wonder Woman #3 -- 103,912 (- 9.0%) ----------------- 6 months: +233.5% 1 year : +193.2% 2 years : +185.6% 5 years : +266.8% 10 years: n.a.
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
Wonder Woman is following a somewhat unusual publication strategy, with the odd issues telling one story set in the present, while the even issues tell a Year One story of Wonder Woman’s origin. I imagine that it will work out better than if there were two separate monthly series, but we’ll have to see if any reader confusion seeps in.
13, 19 - FLASH ($2.99) 07/2006: Flash FMA #2 -- 77,487 [82,501] 07/2011: -- 07/2012: Flash #11 -- 53,674 07/2013: Flash #22 -- 38,993 07/2014: Flash #33 -- 39,669 [38,170] -------------------------------- 07/2015: Flash #42 -- 37,956 (- 12.8%) [37,399] 08/2015: Flash #43 -- 40,542 (+ 10.1%) [41,189] 09/2015: Flash #44 -- 36,111 (- 11.0%) [36,657] 10/2015: Flash #45 -- 35,485 (- 1.8%) [36,011] 11/2015: Flash #46 -- 36,153 (+ 1.9%) [36,701] 12/2015: Flash #47 -- 42,129 (+ 14.8%) 01/2016: -- 02/2016: Flash #48 -- 34,903 (- 17.2%) 02/2016: Flash #49 -- 34,407 (- 1.4%) 03/2016: -- 04/2016: Flash #50 -- 35,160 (+ 2.2%) 05/2016: Flash #51 -- 33,878 (- 3.6%) 05/2016: Flash #52 -- 32,831 (- 3.1%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 98,580 (+275.0%) [123,115] 06/2016: Flash #1 -- 110,431 (+ 2.7%) [126,429] 07/2016: Flash #2 -- 113,639 (- 10.1%) 07/2016: Flash #3 -- 107,067 (- 5.8%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : +195.1% 2 years : +189.1% 5 years : n.a. 10 years: + 33.8%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
Flash Rebirth #1 had the largest reorders of any of last month’s Rebirth books, and Flash #1 is still outselling it by a couple thousand copies.
It appears that Flash will be one of the Rebirth books tying in most heavily to the Rebirth über-plot, which likely explains its higher reorder demand.
14 - TITANS ($2.99) 07/2011: Titans #37 -- 18,613 --------------------------------------- 10/2015: Titans Hunt #1 of 12 -- 31,037 [32,768] 11/2015: Titans Hunt #2 of 12 -- 22,466 (- 31.4%) 12/2015: Titans Hunt #3 of 12 -- 20,918 (- 6.9%) 01/2016: Titans Hunt #4 of 8 -- 23,578 (+ 12.7%) 02/2016: Titans Hunt #5 of 8 -- 22,678 (- 3.8%) 03/2016: Titans Hunt #6 of 8 -- 18,493 (- 18.5%) 04/2016: Titans Hunt #7 of 8 -- 20,079 (+ 8.6%) 05/2016: Titans Hunt #8 of 8 -- 17,412 (- 13.3%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 79,295 (+477.8%) [100,610] 07/2016: Titans #1 -- 112,676 (+ 12.0%) ----------------- 6 months: +377.9% 5 years : +505.4%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
Titans is also apparently tying-in strongly into the Rebirth über-plot.
15, 18 - SUPERMAN ($2.99) 07/2006: Superman #654 -- 69,526 07/2011: Superman #713 -- 36,646 07/2012: Superman #11 -- 56,066 07/2013: Superman #22 -- 42,961 07/2014: Superman #33 -- 62,998 [64,859] --------------------------------- 07/2015: Superman #42 -- 46,691 (- 12.5%) [48,442] 08/2015: Superman #43 -- 49,825 (+ 4.5%) [50,637] 09/2015: Superman #44 -- 43,921 (- 11.3%) [44,908] 10/2015: Superman #45 -- 42,693 (- 4.1%) [43,069] 11/2015: Superman #46 -- 41,657 (- 3.0%) [41,765] 12/2015: Superman #47 -- 47,377 (+ 13.4%) 01/2016: Superman #48 -- 37,690 (- 20.4%) 02/2016: Superman #49 -- 36,318 (- 3.6%) 03/2016: Superman #50 -- 91,396 (+151.7%) 04/2016: Superman #51 -- 38,103 (- 58.3%) 05/2016: Superman #52 -- 54,317 (+ 67.9%) [63,989] 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 130,277 (+115.7%) [138,031] 06/2016: Superman #1 -- 115,918 (- 4.3%) [132,050] 07/2016: Superman #2 -- 112,148 (- 15.1%) 07/2016: Superman #3 -- 107,367 (- 4.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +191.2% 1 year : +126.6% 2 years : + 69.2% 5 years : +199.5% 10 years: + 57.9%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
Superman hasn’t seen sustained sales this high since the end of the Azzarello/Lee run in early 2005.
16, 22 - DETECTIVE COMICS ($2.99) 07/2006: Detective Comics #821 -- 67,345 07/2011: Detective Comics #879 -- 39,185 07/2012: Detective Comics #11 -- 79,835 07/2013: Detective Comics #22 -- 63,949 07/2014: Detective Comics #33 -- 62,856 [63,318] ----------------------------------------- 07/2015: Detective Comics #42 -- 50,743 (- 12.5%) [51,055] 08/2015: Detective Comics #43 -- 53,576 (+ 5.4%) [53,797] 09/2015: Detective Comics #44 -- 55,871 (+ 4.4%) [56,177] 10/2015: Detective Comics #45 -- 47,972 (- 14.2%) [48,220] 11/2015: Detective Comics #46 -- 47,256 (- 1.9%) [47,280] 12/2015: Detective Comics #47 -- 45,867 (- 3.0%) 01/2016: Detective Comics #48 -- 45,111 (- 1.6%) 02/2016: Detective Comics #49 -- 45,300 (+ 0.4%) 03/2016: Detective Comics #50 -- 52,373 (+ 15.6%) 04/2016: Detective Comics #51 -- 43,190 (- 17.5%) 05/2016: Detective Comics #52 -- 43,961 (+ 1.8%) 06/2016: Detective Comics #934 -- 106,239 (+176.0%) [121,314] 06/2016: Detective Comics #935 -- 103,417 (- 6.9%) [112,965] 07/2016: Detective Comics #936 -- 110,689 (- 2.0%) 07/2016: Detective Comics #937 -- 101,389 (- 8.4%) ----------------- 6 months: +135.1% 1 year : +107.7% 2 years : + 67.5% 5 years : +170.6% 10 years: + 57.5%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
17 - BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY ($2.99) 07/2006: Birds of Prey #96 -- 32,219 07/2011: Birds of Prey #14 -- 27,102 07/2012: Birds of Prey #11 -- 27,389 07/2013: Birds of Prey #22 -- 20,209 -------------------------------------- 07/2014: Birds of Prey #33 -- 15,379 (- 6.2%) 08/2014: Birds of Prey #34 -- 15,397 (+ 0.1%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 49,316 (+220.3%) ------------------------------------- 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 109,066 (+119.0%) ----------------- 2 years : +609.2% 5 years : +302.4% 10 years: +238.5%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
New 52 #1: 56,073 [66,423]
When was the last time a Birds of Prey comic sold over 100K? My records go back to March 2001, and in that time? Never.
20 - BATGIRL ($2.99) 07/2011: Batgirl #23 -- 22,619 07/2012: Batgirl #11 -- 45,004 07/2013: Batgirl #22 -- 39,218 07/2014: Batgirl #33 -- 37,186 [37,506] ------------------------------- 07/2015: Batgirl #42 -- 33,168 (- 6.5%) [34,194] 08/2015: Batgirl #43 -- 32,079 (- 5.0%) [32,478] 09/2015: Batgirl #44 -- 30,654 (- 4.9%) [30,882] 10/2015: Batgirl #45 -- 29,276 (- 3.8%) [29,715] 11/2015: -- 12/2015: Batgirl #46 -- 27,591 (- 7.1%) 01/2016: Batgirl #47 -- 26,905 (- 2.5%) 02/2016: Batgirl #48 -- 25,625 (- 4.8%) 03/2016: Batgirl #49 -- 24,730 (- 3.5%) 04/2016: Batgirl #50 -- 34,632 (+ 40.0%) 04/2016: Batgirl #51 -- 23,280 (- 32.8%) 05/2016: Batgirl #52 -- 26,492 (+ 13.8%) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Batgirl #1 -- 105,795 (+299.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +293.2% 1 year : +209.4% 2 years : +182.1% 5 years : +367.7%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
New 52 #1: 90,543 [107,055]
Batgirl doesn’t get her own Rebirth special, instead making use of the BG&BoP Rebirth for her relaunch. For comparison, the Batgirl of Burnside soft relaunch (issue #35) sold 62,644 [66,304].
24 - RED HOOD & THE OUTLAWS ($2.99) 07/2012: Red Hood & Outlaws #11 -- 35,820 07/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #22 -- 30,534 07/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #33 -- 20,669 ----------------------------------------- 07/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #2 -- 26,829 (- 33.9%) 08/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #3 -- 23,841 (- 11.1%) 09/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #4 -- 22,113 (- 7.2%) 10/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #5 -- 21,025 (- 4.9%) 11/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #6 -- 19,857 (- 5.6%) 12/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #7 -- 25,789 (+ 29.9%) 01/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #8 -- 22,900 (- 11.2%) 02/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #9 -- 22,341 (- 2.4%) 03/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #10 -- 17,707 (- 20.7%) 04/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #11 -- 19,711 (+ 11.3%) 05/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #12 -- 16,402 (- 16.8%) 06/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #13 -- 16,389 (- 0.1%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 97,722 (+496.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +326.7% 1 year : +264.2% 2 years : +372.8%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
New 52 #1: 56,112 [70,244]
I’m still not sure why this was Rebirthed—certainly its sales history doesn’t support it. But someone at DC must really like Red Hood, and the huge Rebirth halo brings it sales just shy of 100K.
27, 33 - ACTION COMICS ($2.99) 07/2006: Action Comics #841 -- 58,657 07/2011: Action Comics #903 -- 40,205 07/2012: Action Comics #11 -- 76,232 07/2013: Action Comics #22 -- 44,861 07/2014: Action Comics #33 -- 49,457 [50,029] ------------------------------------- 07/2015: Action Comics #42 -- 37,956 (- 13.5%) [38,434] 08/2015: Action Comics #43 -- 41,883 (+ 9.7%) [42,149] 09/2015: Action Comics #44 -- 37,927 (- 9.5%) [38,130] 10/2015: Action Comics #45 -- 36,560 (- 3.8%) [36,694] 11/2015: Action Comics #46 -- 35,569 (- 2.2%) [35,898] 12/2015: Action Comics #47 -- 29,021 (- 19.2%) 01/2016: Action Comics #48 -- 31,958 (+ 10.1%) 02/2016: Action Comics #49 -- 31,496 (- 1.4%) 03/2016: Action Comics #50 -- 40,025 (+ 27.1%) 04/2016: Action Comics #51 -- 32,167 (- 19.6%) 05/2016: Action Comics #52 -- 40,623 (+ 26.3%) 06/2016: Action Comics #957 -- 82,884 (+136.1%) [95,893] 06/2016: Action Comics #958 -- 83,227 (- 4.6%) [91,462] 07/2016: Action Comics #959 -- 91,671 (+ 0.2%) 07/2016: Action Comics #960 -- 83,281 (- 9.2%) ----------------- 6 months: +173.7% 1 year : +127.6% 2 years : + 74.9% 5 years : +117.6% 10 years: + 49.1%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
A little load balancing with the reorders. I’d guess we’ll see quite a bit of this over the next few months, as readers try out new titles and retailers try their best to guess how well certain titles will sell in their stores.
28, 29 - GREEN LANTERNS ($2.99) 07/2006: Green Lantern #12 -- 80,292 07/2011: Green Lantern #67 -- 74,521 07/2012: Green Lantern #11 -- 78,708 07/2013: Green Lantern #22 -- 62,415 07/2014: Green Lantern #33 -- 47,279 [47,464] -------------------------------------- 07/2015: Green Lantern #42 -- 39,290 (- 13.9%) [39,708] 08/2015: Green Lantern #43 -- 42,482 (+ 7.7%) [42,750] 09/2015: Green Lantern #44 -- 39,371 (- 7.6%) [39,501] 10/2015: Green Lantern #45 -- 38,406 (- 2.5%) [38,519] 11/2015: Green Lantern #46 -- 38,976 (+ 1.4%) [39,053] 12/2015: Green Lantern #47 -- 45,706 (+ 17.0%) 01/2016: Green Lantern #48 -- 36,068 (- 21.1%) 02/2016: Green Lantern #49 -- 35,237 (- 2.3%) 03/2016: Green Lantern #50 -- 36,242 (+ 2.9%) 04/2016: Green Lantern #51 -- 32,862 (- 9.3%) 05/2016: Green Lantern #52 -- 32,936 (+ 0.2%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 109,454 (+232.2%) 06/2016: Green Lanterns #1 -- 93,401 (- 1.5%) [107,767] 07/2016: Green Lanterns #2 -- 90,268 (- 16.2%) 07/2016: Green Lanterns #3 -- 86,579 (- 4.1%) ----------------- 6 months: +145.2% 1 year : +122.7% 2 years : + 86.3% 5 years : + 18.7% 10 years: + 10.1%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
No reorders make the chart for the Rebirth issue, but reorders for issue #1 were substantial. NO again we’re seeing retailers trying to figure out demand.
31 - HELLBLAZER ($2.99) 07/2006: Hellblazer #222 -- 13,912 07/2011: Hellblazer #281 -- 9,225 07/2012: Hellblazer #293 -- 9,247 07/2013: Constantine #5 -- 30,664 [35,027] 07/2014: Constantine #16 -- 16,235 ------------------------------------- 07/2015: The Hellblazer #2 -- 27,512 (- 34.3%) 08/2015: The Hellblazer #3 -- 24,040 (- 12.6%) 09/2015: The Hellblazer #4 -- 21,974 (- 8.6%) 10/2015: The Hellblazer #5 -- 20,431 (- 7.0%) 11/2015: The Hellblazer #6 -- 19,328 (- 5.4%) 12/2015: The Hellblazer #7 -- 18,601 (- 3.8%) 01/2016: The Hellblazer #8 -- 17,853 (- 4.0%) 02/2016: The Hellblazer #9 -- 17,178 (- 3.8%) 03/2016: The Hellblazer #10 -- 16,755 (- 2.5%) 04/2016: The Hellblazer #11 -- 16,248 (- 3.0%) 05/2016: The Hellblazer #12 -- 15,904 (- 2.1%) 06/2016: The Hellblazer #13 -- 15,697 (- 1.3%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 84,404 (+437.7%) ----------------- 6 months: +372.8% 1 year : +206.8% 2 years : +419.9% 5 years : +814.9% 10 years: +506.7%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
The previous high sales mark for a Constantine/Hellblazer title was the 3D-cover-enhanced Futures End issue at 52,561. (At least as far back as my data goes, which is 2001, when Hellblazer was selling around 18K.)
34, 35 - GREEN ARROW ($2.99) 07/2006: Green Arrow #64 -- 36,148 07/2011: Green Arrow #14 -- 25,568 07/2012: Green Arrow #11 -- 24,646 07/2013: Green Arrow #22 -- 26,172 07/2014: Green Arrow #33 -- 23,452 ---------------------------------- 07/2015: Green Arrow #42 -- 24,921 (- 17.2%) 08/2015: Green Arrow #43 -- 29,998 (+ 21.6%) [30,298] 09/2015: Green Arrow #44 -- 25,620 (- 15.4%) 10/2015: Green Arrow #45 -- 23,614 (- 7.8%) 11/2015: Green Arrow #46 -- 24,393 (+ 3.3%) 12/2015: Green Arrow #47 -- 30,834 (+ 26.4%) 01/2016: Green Arrow #48 -- 22,117 (- 28.3%) 02/2016: Green Arrow #49 -- 22,096 (- 0.1%) 03/2016: Green Arrow #50 -- 22,977 (+ 4.0%) 04/2016: Green Arrow #51 -- 21,168 (- 7.9%) 05/2016: Green Arrow #52 -- 20,559 (- 2.9%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 89,936 (+373.0%) [97,243] 06/2016: Green Arrow #1 -- 76,816 (- 4.4%) [92,931] 07/2016: Green Arrow #2 -- 80,134 (- 13.8%) 07/2016: Green Arrow #3 -- 80,150 (+ 0.0%) ----------------- 6 months: +262.4% 1 year : +221.6% 2 years : +241.7% 5 years : +213.4% 10 years: +121.7%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
More load balancing. The second & third issue sales are nearly identical, which is a good sign and points towards the various Rebirth books not taking huge nose-dives after their initial issues.
38, 39 - AQUAMAN ($2.99) 07/2006: Aquaman SoA #43 -- 30,584 07/2012: Aquaman #11 -- 57,675 07/2013: Aquaman #22 -- 45,653 07/2014: Aquaman #33 -- 36,140 [36,581] ---------------------------------- 07/2015: Aquaman #42 -- 28,158 (- 16.6%) [28,479] 08/2015: Aquaman #43 -- 30,480 (+ 8.3%) [30,835] 09/2015: Aquaman #44 -- 26,396 (- 14.4%) 10/2015: Aquaman #45 -- 25,495 (- 3.4%) 11/2015: Aquaman #46 -- 25,962 (+ 1.8%) 12/2015: Aquaman #47 -- 20,251 (- 22.0%) 01/2016: Aquaman #48 -- 23,373 (+ 15.4%) 02/2016: Aquaman #49 -- 23,546 (+ 0.7%) 03/2016: Aquaman #50 -- 24,487 (+ 4.0%) 04/2016: Aquaman #51 -- 21,959 (- 10.3%) 05/2016: Aquaman #52 -- 22,246 (+ 1.3%) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 75,206 (+308.3%) [90,841] 06/2016: Aquaman #1 -- 84,745 (+ 2.8%) [93,339] 07/2016: Aquaman #2 -- 77,550 (- 16.9%) 07/2016: Aquaman #3 -- 75,196 (- 3.0%) ----------------- 6 months: +226.8% 1 year : +168.2% 2 years : +108.8% 10 years: +149.7%
Returnable & f.o.v.s; see the numerous explanations elsewhere in this column.
The lowest-selling of the Rebirth books this month, but at the 70K range for an Aquaman comic DC will take it. (Issue #3 of the New 52 Aquaman sold 69,137.)
59 - HARLEY QUINN ($3.99) 07/2014: Harley Quinn #8 -- 76,827 [79,664] ------------------------------------ 07/2015: Harley Quinn #18 -- 59,566 (- 13.1%) [60,292] 08/2015: Harley Quinn #19 -- 64,223 (+ 8.1%) [65,155] 09/2015: Harley Quinn #20 -- 56,836 (- 10.0%) [58,652] 10/2015: Harley Quinn #21 -- 55,272 (- 5.7%) [55,282] 11/2015: Harley Quinn #22 -- 58,344 (+ 6.2%) [58,734] 12/2015: Harley Quinn #23 -- 69,168 (+ 17.8%) 01/2016: Harley Quinn #24 -- 44,967 (- 35.0%) 02/2016: Harley Quinn #25 -- 51,495 (+ 14.5%) 03/2016: Harley Quinn #26 -- 51,420 (- 0.1%) 04/2016: Harley Quinn #27 -- 54,864 (+ 6.7%) 05/2016: Harley Quinn #28 -- 43,858 (- 20.1%) 06/2016: Harley Quinn #29 -- 55,774 (+ 27.2%) 07/2016: Harley Quinn #30 -- 45,443 (- 18.5%) ----------------- 6 months: + 1.1% 1 year : - 24.6% 2 years : - 43.0%
The final pre-Rebirth issue of Harley Quinn has an incentive variant again, but no f.o.v. and sees its sales drop back down without the retailer variant from June. There’s a big gap between the Rebirth books and the rest of DC’s publishing slate.
61 - THE FLINTSTONES ($3.99) 07/2016: Flintstones #1 -- 43,996
The last title in DC’s re-imaging of Hanna-Barbera cartoons has several variants (all f.o.v., I believe) and the top non-DCU book in July.
77, 84 - FUTURE QUEST ($3.99) 05/2016: Future Quest #1 -- 48,627 [56,756] 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Future Quest #2 -- 30,170 (- 45.9%) 07/2016: Future Quest #3 -- 27,786 (- 9.5%)
Issue #2 was late, and issue #3 was an unscheduled fill-in. These kind of early snafus, whatever the unfortunate circumstances, alas don’t engender a new comic to monthly readers (although I personally won’t complain much when the artists on the fill-in are Steve Rude & Aaron Lopresti!) But it does make it hard for a comic to find its legs in an overcrowded market.
78 - SCOOBY APOCALYPSE ($3.99) 05/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #1 -- 69,520 [77,409] 06/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #2 -- 29,812 (- 61.5%) 07/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #3 -- 29,494 (- 1.1%)
Finding its level rather quickly.
93 - NEW SUICIDE SQUAD ($2.99) 07/2012: Suicide Squad #11 -- 29,809 07/2013: Suicide Squad #22 -- 22,447 07/2014: New Suicide Squad #1 -- 49,260 [55,882] ---------------------------------------- 07/2015: New Suicide Squad #10 -- 35,365 (- 17.1%) [35,842] 08/2015: New Suicide Squad #11 -- 37,915 (+ 7.2%) [38,434] 09/2015: New Suicide Squad #12 -- 34,622 (- 8.9%) [35,013] 10/2015: New Suicide Squad #13 -- 33,260 (- 4.1%) [33,584] 11/2015: New Suicide Squad #14 -- 32,925 (- 1.1%) [33,219] 12/2015: New Suicide Squad #15 -- 26,449 (- 20.4%) 01/2016: New Suicide Squad #16 -- 24,870 (- 6.0%) 02/2016: New Suicide Squad #17 -- 23,687 (- 4.8%) 03/2016: New Suicide Squad #18 -- 28,243 (+ 19.2%) 04/2016: New Suicide Squad #19 -- 23,799 (- 15.7%) 05/2016: New Suicide Squad #20 -- 23,425 (- 1.6%) 06/2016: New Suicide Squad #21 -- 23,887 (+ 2.0%) 07/2016: New Suicide Squad #22 -- 25,162 (+ 5.3%) ----------------- 6 months: + 1.2% 1 year : - 29.8% 2 years : - 55.0%
Final issue, ahead of August’s movie-fueled Rebirth.
A bunch of reorders (mostly for 2nd prints, I should think) of last month’s Rebirth comics make the chart in July. They’ve been added in to the entries above (the numbers in [brackets]), but if you want them all in one place, here you go:
93: Flash Rebirth #1 -- 24,535 97: Batman #1 -- 23,885 107: Titans Rebirth #1 -- 21,315 118: Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 -- 19,720 141: Superman #1 -- 16,132 142: Green Arrow #1 -- 16,115 144: Flash #1 -- 15,998 148: Aquaman Rebirth #1 -- 15,635 154: Detective Comics #934 -- 15,075 158: Green Lanterns #1 -- 14,366 169: Action Comics #957 -- 13,009 180: Wonder Woman #1 -- 11,870 196: Detective Comics #935 -- 9,548 197: Batman Rebirth #1 -- 9,479 214: Aquaman #1 -- 8,594 223: Action Comics #958 -- 8,235 231: Superman Rebirth #1 -- 7,754 238: Green Arrow Rebirth #1 -- 7,307
The only Rebirth title from last month that didn’t have any re-orders show up on the chart is Green Lanterns Rebirth #1, which was already fairly high (109K). There was a second printing, so it’s possible that the reorders fell short of the 5K threshold for the top 300 this month, or got split over two months. We’ll have a better idea on the sales for all of these when the year-end numbers come out in January.
Meanwhile, DC Universe Rebirth #1 is going into a fifth printing.
112 - DEATHSTROKE ($2.99) 07/2012: Deathstroke #11 -- 17,107 ---------------------------------- 07/2015: Deathstroke #8 -- 33,648 (- 13.3%) [34,754] 08/2015: Deathstroke #9 -- 36,583 (+ 8.7%) [37,419] 09/2015: Deathstroke #10 -- 31,241 (- 14.6%) [31,832] 10/2015: Deathstroke #11 -- 31,121 (- 0.4%) [31,649] 11/2015: Deathstroke #12 -- 31,939 (+ 2.6%) [32,568] 12/2015: Deathstroke #13 -- 25,344 (- 20.6%) 01/2016: Deathstroke #14 -- 27,648 (+ 9.1%) 02/2016: Deathstroke #15 -- 26,534 (- 4.0%) 03/2016: Deathstroke #16 -- 25,390 (- 4.3%) 04/2016: Deathstroke #17 -- 24,858 (- 2.1%) 05/2016: Deathstroke #18 -- 21,087 (- 15.2%) 06/2016: Deathstroke #19 -- 21,094 (+ 0.0%) 07/2016: Deathstroke #20 -- 20,562 (- 2.5%) ----------------- 6 months: - 25.6% 1 year : - 40.8%
Final issue. Also getting rebirthed in August.
115 - SUPERMAN: THE COMING OF THE SUPERMEN ($3.99) 02/2016: Supermen #1 of 6 -- 37,033 03/2016: Supermen #2 of 6 -- 27,470 (- 25.8%) 04/2016: Supermen #3 of 6 -- 24,500 (- 10.8%) 05/2016: Supermen #4 of 6 -- 21,395 (- 12.7%) 06/2016: Supermen #5 of 6 -- 20,416 (- 4.6%) 07/2016: Supermen #6 of 6 -- 20,069 (- 1.7%)
120 - TEEN TITANS ($2.99) 07/2006: Teen Titans #37 -- 71,263 07/2011: Teen Titans #97 -- 23,138 07/2011: Teen Titans #98 -- 23,095 07/2012: Teen Titans #11 -- 45,367 07/2013: Teen Titans #22 -- 33,062 07/2014: Teen Titans #1 -- 52,358 [57,923] ---------------------------------- 07/2015: Teen Titans #10 -- 28,547 (- 14.3%) [28,963] 08/2015: Teen Titans #11 -- 32,112 (+ 12.6%) [32,621] 09/2015: -- 10/2015: Teen Titans #12 -- 26,796 (- 17.9%) 11/2015: Teen Titans #13 -- 26,511 (- 1.1%) 12/2015: Teen Titans #14 -- 26,239 (- 1.0%) 12/2015: Teen Titans #15 -- 27,201 (+ 3.7%) 01/2015: Teen Titans #16 -- 24,201 (- 11.0%) 02/2015: Teen Titans #17 -- 23,566 (- 2.6%) 03/2015: Teen Titans #18 -- 23,056 (- 2.2%) 04/2015: Teen Titans #19 -- 21,989 (- 4.6%) 05/2015: Teen Titans #20 -- 18,593 (- 15.4%) 06/2015: Teen Titans #21 -- 18,766 (+ 0.9%) 07/2015: Teen Titans #22 -- 19,005 (+ 1.3%) ----------------- 6 months: - 21.5% 1 year : - 34.4% 2 years : - 67.2% 5 years : - 17.8% 10 years: - 73.3%
Still one final issue to go before getting Rebirthed in September.
122 - DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE COLLECTORS' EDITION ($12.99) 12/2015: Dark Knight III Coll #1 of 8 -- 24,005 01/2016: Dark Knight III Coll #2 of 8 -- 19,367 (- 19.3%) 02/2016: -- 03/2016: Dark Knight III Coll #3 of 8 -- 19,445 (+ 0.4%) 04/2016: -- 05/2016: Dark Knight III Coll #4 of 8 -- 18,226 (- 6.3%) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Dark Knight III Coll #5 of 8 -- 18,525 (+ 1.6%) ----------------- 6 months: - 4.3%
Tracking these separately from the main title, since they’re such a different beast.
126 - BATMAN BEYOND ($2.99) 07/2012: Unlimited #6 -- 22,555 07/2013: Unlimited #18 -- 15,275 07/2014: Universe #12 -- 14,419 ------------------------------------ 07/2015: Batman Beyond #2 -- 35,000 (- 34.4%) [35,238] 08/2015: Batman Beyond #3 -- 30,806 (- 12.0%) [31,276] 09/2015: Batman Beyond #4 -- 31,202 (+ 1.3%) [31,518] 10/2015: Batman Beyond #5 -- 29,409 (- 5.7%) [29,626] 11/2015: Batman Beyond #6 -- 27,778 (- 5.5%) 12/2015: Batman Beyond #7 -- 21,946 (- 21.0%) 01/2016: Batman Beyond #8 -- 20,342 (- 7.3%) 02/2016: Batman Beyond #9 -- 19,449 (- 4.4%) 03/2016: Batman Beyond #10 -- 21,578 (+ 10.9%) 04/2016: Batman Beyond #11 -- 18,061 (- 16.3%) 05/2016: Batman Beyond #12 -- 18,133 (+ 0.4%) 06/2016: Batman Beyond #13 -- 13,025 (- 28.2%) 07/2016: Batman Beyond #14 -- 18,001 (+ 38.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 11.5% 1 year : - 48.9% 2 years : + 24.8%
Last month’s mysterious large drop-off just as mysteriously rebounds this month. If there were about 5,000 copies of issue #13 that were delayed from shipping to certain stores from June to July, they would just miss showing up on the Top 300 chart this month. And since it is likely that issue #13 won’t make the year-end chart, we may never know what happened here.
Getting Rebirthed in October.
126 - WACKY RACELAND ($3.99) 06/2016: Wacky Raceland #1 -- 34,065 07/2016: Wacky Raceland #2 -- 18,001 (- 47.2%)
Not getting the same level of love as the other Hanna-Barbera books.
128 - DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS (Digital First) ($3.99) 08/2015: Bombshells #1 -- 59,253 [61,985] 09/2015: Bombshells #2 -- 37,136 (- 39.8%) [37,306] 10/2015: Bombshells #3 -- 32,147 (- 11.7%) [32,939] 11/2015: Bombshells #4 -- 27,239 (- 17.3%) 11/2015: Bombshells #5 -- 25,335 (- 7.0%) 12/2015: Bombshells #6 -- 23,679 (- 6.5%) 12/2015: Bombshells #7 -- 23,014 (- 2.8%) 01/2016: Bombshells #8 -- 21,904 (- 4.8%) 02/2016: Bombshells #9 -- 20,349 (- 7.1%) 03/2016: Bombshells #10 -- 19,820 (- 2.6%) 04/2016: Bombshells #11 -- 18,859 (- 4.8%) 05/2016: Bombshells #12 -- 18,512 (- 1.8%) 05/2016: Bombshells #13 -- 18,046 (- 2.5%) 06/2016: Bombshells #14 -- 18,492 (+ 2.5%) 07/2016: Bombshells #15 -- 17,956 (- 2.9%) ---------------- 6 months: - 18.0%
Back to standard attrition.
135 - EARTH 2: SOCIETY ($2.99) 07/2012: Earth 2 #3 -- 74,982 07/2013: Earth 2 #14 -- 42,022 07/2014: Earth 2 #25 -- 39,726 [40,375] --------------------------------- 07/2015: E2 Society #2 -- 31,663 (- 23.2%) [32,074] 08/2015: E2 Society #3 -- 28,381 (- 10.6%) [28,671] 09/2015: E2 Society #4 -- 25,443 (- 11.3%) 10/2015: E2 Society #5 -- 23,459 (- 7.8%) 11/2015: E2 Society #6 -- 21,948 (- 6.4%) 12/2015: E2 Society #7 -- 21,059 (- 4.1%) 01/2015: E2 Society #8 -- 19,682 (- 6.5%) 02/2015: E2 Society #9 -- 18,868 (- 4.1%) 03/2015: E2 Society #10 -- 18,391 (- 2.5%) 04/2015: E2 Society #11 -- 17,844 (- 3.0%) 05/2015: E2 Society #12 -- 17,492 (- 2.0%) 06/2015: E2 Society #13 -- 17,430 (- 0.4%) 07/2015: E2 Society #14 -- 16,960 (- 2.7%) ---------------- 6 months: - 13.8% 1 year : - 47.1% 2 years : - 58.0%
145 - THE LEGEND OF WONDER WOMAN (Digital-First) ($3.99) 01/2016: Legend of WW #1 of 9 -- 25,047 02/2016: Legend of WW #2 of 9 -- 16,816 (- 32.9%) 03/2016: Legend of WW #3 of 9 -- 16,497 (- 1.9%) 04/2016: Legend of WW #4 of 9 -- 16,488 (- 0.1%) 05/2016: Legend of WW #5 of 9 -- 16,583 (+ 0.6%) 05/2016: Legend of WW #6 of 9 -- 15,924 (- 4.0%) 06/2016: Legend of WW #7 of 9 -- 15,820 (- 0.7%) 07/2016: Legend of WW #8 of 9 -- 15,945 (+ 0.8%) ---------------- 6 months: - 36.3%
161 - BATMAN '66 MEETS STEED & MRS. PEEL (Digital-First) ($2.99) 07/2014: Green Hornet #2 of 6 -- 25,392 --------------------------------------- 12/2015: UNCLE #1 of 6 -- 17,363 (- 15.4%) 01/2016: UNCLE #2 of 6 -- 13,940 (- 19.7%) 02/2016: UNCLE #3 of 6 -- 12,824 (- 8.0%) 03/2016: UNCLE #4 of 6 -- 11,945 (- 6.9%) 04/2016: UNCLE #5 of 6 -- 11,187 (- 6.3%) 05/2016: UNCLE #6 of 6 -- 11,060 (- 1.1%) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Avengers #1 of 6 -- 13,921 (+ 25.9%) ---------------- 6 months: - 0.1% 2 years : - 45.2%
So cool to see the Adam West Batman team-up with the 1966 versions of Iron Man and Black Widow!
163, 166 - INJUSTICE: YEAR FIVE (Digital-First) ($2.99) 07/2013: Injustice #7 -- 25,731 07/2014: Injustice Y2 #7 -- 19,811 (+ 2.4%) 07/2014: Injustice Y2 #8 -- 18,931 (- 4.4%) ----------------------------------- 07/2015: Injustice Y4 #5 -- 15,905 (+ 2.7%) 07/2015: Injustice Y4 #6 -- 15,556 (- 2.2%) 08/2015: Injustice Y4 #7 -- 15,559 (+ 0.0%) 08/2015: Injustice Y4 #8 -- 15,269 (- 1.9%) 09/2015: Injustice Y4 #9 -- 15,414 (+ 0.9%) 09/2015: Injustice Y4 #10 -- 16,243 (+ 5.4%) 10/2015: Injustice Y4 #11 -- 14,992 (- 7.7%) 10/2015: Injustice Y4 #12 -- 14,848 (- 1.0%) 11/2015: -- 12/2015: -- 01/2016: Injustice Y5 #1 -- 17,049 (+ 14.8%) 01/2016: Injustice Y5 #2 -- 14,787 (- 13.3%) 02/2016: Injustice Y5 #3 -- 14,263 (- 3.5%) 02/2016: Injustice Y5 #4 -- 13,918 (- 2.4%) 03/2016: Injustice Y5 #5 -- 14,094 (+ 1.3%) 03/2016: Injustice Y5 #6 -- 13,599 (- 3.5%) 04/2016: Injustice Y5 #7 -- 13,823 (+ 1.6%) 04/2016: Injustice Y5 #8 -- 13,560 (- 1.9%) 05/2016: Injustice Y5 #9 -- 13,539 (- 0.2%) 05/2016: Injustice Y5 #10 -- 13,332 (- 1.5%) 06/2016: Injustice Y5 #11 -- 13,682 (+ 2.6%) 06/2016: Injustice Y5 #12 -- 13,318 (- 2.7%) 07/2016: Injustice Y5 #13 -- 13,590 (+ 2.0%) 07/2016: Injustice Y5 #14 -- 13,418 (- 1.3%) ---------------- 6 months: - 15.2% 1 year : - 14.2% 2 years : - 30.3%
I had mistakenly thought that last month saw the final issues, but apparently Year 5 of Injustice is kicking around for a bit longer than all of the previous ‘years.’
182, 186 - ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL (Digital First) ($2.99) 05/2016: Adv Supergirl #1 of 6 -- 16,704 05/2016: Adv Supergirl #2 of 6 -- 11,494 (- 31.2%) 06/2016: Adv Supergirl #3 of 6 -- 20,741 (+ 80.5%) 06/2016: Adv Supergirl #4 of 6 -- 13,454 (- 35.1%) 07/2016: Adv Supergirl #5 of 6 -- 11,573 (- 14.0%) 07/2016: Adv Supergirl #6 of 6 -- 10,982 (- 5.1%)
I’d imagine that the future of any comics based on the Supergirl television show will rest on the strength of the digital sales and the sales of the collected edition. But since DC originally was going to go straight to trade with this digital series, I guess this is mostly found money from the floppy edition? (To the extent that it doesn’t cannibalize the trade sales.)
191 - LUCIFER (Vertigo) ($3.99) 12/2015: Lucifer #1 -- 17,306 (+ 57.2%) 01/2016: Lucifer #2 -- 12,497 (- 27.8%) 02/2016: Lucifer #3 -- 11,614 (- 7.1%) 03/2016: Lucifer #4 -- 11,450 (- 1.4%) 04/2016: Lucifer #5 -- 11,049 (- 3.5%) 05/2016: Lucifer #6 -- 10,701 (- 3.1%) 06/2016: Lucifer #7 -- 10,382 (- 3.0%) 07/2016: Lucifer #8 -- 9,968 (- 4.0%) ----------------- 6 months: - 20.2%
192 - ASTRO CITY (Vertigo) ($3.99) 07/2006: Samaritan #1 -- 24,394 07/2011: -- 07/2012: -- 07/2013: Astro City #2 -- 20,193 07/2014: -- ---------------------------------- 07/2015: Astro City #25 -- 11,242 (+ 0.1%) 08/2015: Astro City #26 -- 11,118 (- 1.1%) 09/2015: Astro City #27 -- 11,019 (- 0.9%) 10/2015: Astro City #28 -- 10,808 (- 1.9%) 11/2015: Astro City #29 -- 10,748 (- 0.6%) 12/2015: Astro City #30 -- 10,476 (- 2.5%) 01/2016: Astro City #31 -- 10,351 (- 1.2%) 02/2016: Astro City #32 -- 10,187 (- 1.6%) 03/2016: Astro City #33 -- 10,125 (- 0.6%) 04/2016: Astro City #34 -- 10,120 (- 0.0%) 05/2016: Astro City #35 -- 9,996 (- 1.2%) 06/2016: Astro City #36 -- 9,960 (- 0.4%) 07/2016: Astro City #37 -- 9,953 (- 0.1%) ----------------- 6 months: - 3.8% 1 year : - 11.5% 2 years : n.a. 5 years : n.a. 10 years: - 59.2%
For the first time that I can remember—and quite possibly ever—not a single Vertigo title is over 10K.
209 - DOCTOR FATE ($2.99) 07/2015: Doctor Fate #2 -- 22,967 (- 41.9%) 08/2015: Doctor Fate #3 -- 18,951 (- 17.5%) 09/2015: Doctor Fate #4 -- 16,258 (- 14.2%) 10/2015: Doctor Fate #5 -- 14,560 (- 10.4%) 11/2015: Doctor Fate #6 -- 13,090 (- 10.1%) 12/2015: Doctor Fate #7 -- 11,954 (- 8.7%) 01/2016: Doctor Fate #8 -- 11,109 (- 7.1%) 02/2016: Doctor Fate #9 -- 10,437 (- 6.0%) 03/2016: Doctor Fate #10 -- 9,780 (- 6.0%) 04/2016: Doctor Fate #11 -- 9,257 (- 5.3%) 05/2016: Doctor Fate #12 -- 9,168 (- 1.0%) 06/2016: Doctor Fate #13 -- 9,067 (- 1.1%) 07/2016: Doctor Fate #14 -- 8,762 (- 3.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 21.1% 1 year : - 53.8%
I like Doctor Fate. I’m glad that DC continues to publish this comic, but it looks like its time is finally up in November.
212 - LEGENDS OF TOMORROW ($7.99) 03/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #1 -- 18,753 04/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #2 -- 12,728 (- 32.1%) 05/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #3 -- 11,354 (- 10.8%) 06/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #4 -- 9,677 (- 14.8%) 07/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #5 -- 8,681 (- 10.3%)
Penultimate issue.
229 - SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP (All-Ages) ($2.99) 07/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #5 -- 9,042 ----------------------------------------- 07/2015: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #11 -- 6,809 (+ 3.7%) 08/2015: -- 09/2015: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #12 -- 15,426 (+126.7%) 10/2015: -- 11/2015: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #13 -- 8,008 (- 48.1%) 12/2015: -- 01/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #14 -- 7,214 (- 9.9%) 02/2016: -- 03/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #15 -- 8,092 (+ 12.2%) 04/2016: -- 05/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #16 -- 8,400 (+ 3.8%) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #17 -- 7,892 (- 6.0%) ----------------- 6 months: + 9.4% 1 Year : + 15.9% 2 Years : - 12.7%
Teaming up with Hawkman & Hawkgirl! Moves to being a monthly comic starting in September, so sales must be doing well by some measure.
255 - BLOODLINES ($2.99) 04/2016: Bloodlines #1 of 6 -- 14,941 05/2016: Bloodlines #2 of 6 -- 8,959 (- 40.0%) 06/2016: Bloodlines #3 of 6 -- 7,371 (- 17.7%) 07/2016: Bloodlines #4 of 6 -- 6,282 (- 14.8%)
253 - CLEAN ROOM (Vertigo) ($3.99) 10/2015: Clean Room #1 -- 14,304 11/2015: Clean Room #2 -- 9,351 (- 35.6%) 12/2015: Clean Room #3 -- 8,073 (- 13.7%) 01/2015: Clean Room #4 -- 7,572 (- 6.2%) 02/2016: Clean Room #5 -- 7,020 (- 7.3%) 03/2016: Clean Room #6 -- 6,832 (- 2.7%) 04/2016: Clean Room #7 -- 6,518 (- 4.6%) 05/2016: Clean Room #8 -- 6,394 (- 1.9%) 06/2016: Clean Room #9 -- 6,335 (- 0.9%) 07/2016: Clean Room #10 -- 6,069 (- 4.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 21.5%
271 - THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON (Vertigo) ($3.99) 12/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #1 of 8 -- 10,234 01/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #2 of 8 -- 7,063 (- 31.0%) 02/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #3 of 8 -- 6,385 (- 9.6%) 03/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #4 of 8 -- 6,007 (- 5.9%) 04/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #5 of 12 -- 5,810 (- 3.3%) 05/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #6 of 12 -- 5,615 (- 3.4%) 06/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #7 of 12 -- 5,714 (+ 1.8%) 07/2015: Sheriff of Babylon #8 of 12 -- 5,680 (- 0.6%) ----------------- 6 months: - 44.7%
Apparently this switched over to a twelve-issue series when I wasn’t paying attention.
291 - SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? (All-Ages) ($2.99) 07/2006: Scooby-Doo #110 -- 4,781 07/2011: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #11 -- 4,791 07/2012: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #23 -- 4,934 07/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #35 -- ????? 07/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #47 -- ????? (< 6,594) ----------------------------------------------- 07/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #59 -- ????? (< 5,446) 08/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #60 -- 5,091 09/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #61 -- 5,220 (+ 2.5%) 10/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #62 -- 5,143 (- 1.5%) 11/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #63 -- 5,215 (+ 1.4%) 12/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #64 -- ????? (< 5,848) 01/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #65 -- 4,906 02/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #66 -- 4,867 (- 0.8%) 03/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #67 -- 4,940 (+ 1.5%) 04/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #68 -- 4,892 (- 1.0%) 05/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #69 -- 5,040 (+ 3.0%) 06/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #70 -- ????? (< 5,596) 07/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #71 -- 5,254 ----------------- 6 months: + 7.1% 1 year : ???% 2 years : ???% 5 years : + 9.7% 10 years: + 9.9%
+300 - SUICIDERS: KINGS OF HELL.A. (Vertigo) ($3.99) 07/2015: -- 08/2015: -- 09/2015: Suiciders #6 -- 8,546 (- 2.1%) 10/2015: -- 11/2015: -- 12/2015: -- 01/2016: -- 02/2016: -- 03/2016: Kings of HelLA #1 of 6 -- 8,563 (+ 0.2%) 04/2016: Kings of HelLA #2 of 6 -- 6,123 (- 28.5%) 05/2016: Kings of HelLA #3 of 6 -- 5,375 (- 12.2%) 06/2016: Kings of HelLA #4 of 6 -- ????? (< 5,596) 07/2016: Kings of HelLA #5 of 6 -- ????? (< 5,069) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : n.a.
+300 - UNFOLLOW (Vertigo) ($3.99) 11/2015: Unfollow #1 -- 10,740 12/2015: Unfollow #2 -- 7,082 (- 34.1%) 01/2016: Unfollow #3 -- 6,510 (- 8.1%) 02/2016: Unfollow #4 -- 5,667 (- 12.9%) 03/2016: Unfollow #5 -- 5,149 (- 9.1%) 04/2016: Unfollow #6 -- 4,815 (- 6.5%) 05/2016: Unfollow #7 -- ????? (< 4,986) 06/2016: Unfollow #8 -- ????? (< 5,596) 07/2016: Unfollow #9 -- ????? (< 5,069) ----------------- 6 months: ????%
+300 - THE DARK AND BLOODY (Vertigo) ($3.99) 02/2016: Dark & Bloody #1 of 6 -- 8,622 03/2016: Dark & Bloody #2 of 6 -- 5,679 (- 34.1%) 04/2016: Dark & Bloody #3 of 6 -- 4,757 (- 16.2%) 05/2016: Dark & Bloody #4 of 6 -- ????? (< 4,986) 06/2016: Dark & Bloody #5 of 6 -- ????? (< 5,596) 07/2016: Dark & Bloody #6 of 6 -- ????? (< 5,069)
+300 - RED THORN (Vertigo) ($3.99) 11/2015: Red Thorn #1 -- 11,335 12/2015: Red Thorn #2 -- 6,799 (- 40.0%) 01/2016: Red Thorn #3 -- 5,802 (- 14.7%) 02/2016: Red Thorn #4 -- 4,867 (- 16.1%) 03/2016: Red Thorn #5 -- 4,482 (- 7.9%) 04/2016: Red Thorn #6 -- ????? (< 4,309) 05/2016: Red Thorn #7 -- ????? (< 4,986) 06/2016: Red Thorn #8 -- ????? (< 5,596) 07/2016: Red Thorn #9 -- ????? (< 5,069) ----------------- 6 months: ????%
Even with the floor at 500 fewer copies than last month, four Vertigo titles still don’t make the Top 300 in July.
Average Periodical Sales (not counting reprints, reorders shipping after the initial month of release, and magazines)
DC COMICS 07/2006: 41,406 07/2011: 26,138 07/2012: 33,837 07/2013: 34,402 07/2014: 32,760 ** --------------- 07/2015: 27,005 (- 23.5%)** 08/2015: 27,301 (+ 1.1%)** 09/2015: 26,092 (- 4.4%)** 10/2015: 25,681 (- 0.5%)** 11/2015: 30,743 (+ 19.7%) 12/2015: 28,091 (- 8.6%)** 01/2016: 21,845 (- 22.2%)** 02/2016: 24,611 (+ 12.7%)** 03/2016: 22,620 (- 9.6%)** 04/2016: 23,187 (+ 2.5%)** 05/2016: 24,532 (+ 5.8%)** 06/2016: 48,770 (+ 98.8%)** 07/2016: 63,656 (+ 30.5%)** ----------------- 6 months: +191.4% 1 year : +135.7% 2 years : + 94.3% 5 years : +143.5% 10 years: + 53.7%
DC UNIVERSE 07/2006: 51,714 07/2011: 28,586 07/2012: 38,502 07/2013: 36,524 07/2014: 40,945 --------------- 07/2015: 32,688 (- 30.4%) 08/2015: 33,079 (+ 1.2%) 09/2015: 30,645 (- 7.4%) 10/2015: 30,402 (- 0.8%) 11/2015: 38,396 (+ 26.3%) 12/2015: 34,981 (- 8.9%) 01/2016: 27,664 (- 20.1%) 02/2016: 31,503 (+ 13.9%) 03/2016: 28,621 (- 9.1%) 04/2016: 30,003 (+ 4.8%) 05/2016: 29,927 (- 0.3%) 06/2016: 65,876 (+120.1%) 07/2016: 90,237 (+ 37.0%) ----------------- 6 months: +226.2% 1 year : +176.1% 2 years : +120.4% 5 years : +215.7% 10 years: + 74.5%
VERTIGO 07/2006: 12,732 07/2011: 10,784 07/2012: 11,589 07/2013: 16,099 07/2014: 15,803 ** --------------- 07/2015: 15,251 (+ 90.4%)** 08/2015: 10,216 (- 33.0%)** 09/2015: 15,814 (+ 54.8%)** 10/2015: 10,771 (- 31.9%)** 11/2015: 9,780 (- 9.2%) 12/2015: 8,630 (- 11.8%)** 01/2016: 6,832 (- 20.5%)** 02/2016: 6,274 (- 8.2%)** 03/2016: 6,039 (- 3.7%)** 04/2016: 5,649 (- 6.5%)** 05/2016: 5,734 (+ 1.5%)** 06/2016: 6,073 (+ 5.9%)** 07/2016: 6,328 (+ 4.2%)** ----------------- 6 months: - 7.4% 1 year : - 58.5% 2 years : - 60.0% 5 years : - 41.3% 10 years: - 50.3%
Take these Vertigo number with a huge grain of salt, as half of the books did not make the Top 300, and the method used to estimate those sales errs on the side of being higher than they likely are.
6 month comparisons =================== +377.9% - Titans (Titans Hunt) +372.8% - Hellblazer (Constantine the Hellblazer) +356.7% - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps (GLC Edge) +338.7& - Nightwing (Grayson) +326.7% - Red Hood & Outlaws (Red Hood/Arsenal) +293.2% - Batgirl +262.4% - Green Arrow +233.5% - Wonder Woman +226.8% - Aquaman +191.2% - Superman +173.7% - Action Comics +145.2% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) +135.1% - Detective Comics + 88.5% - Batman + 9.4% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up + 7.1% - Scooby-Doo Where Are You? + 1.2% - New Suicide Squad + 1.1% - Harley Quinn - 0.1% - Batman 66 Meets... - 3.8% - Astro City - 4.3% - Dark Knight III Collectors' Edition - 11.5% - Batman Beyond - 13.8% - Earth 2 Society - 15.2% - Injustice - 18.0% - DC Comics Bombshells - 20.2% - Lucifer - 21.1% - Doctor Fate - 21.5% - Clean Room - 21.5% - Teen Titans - 25.6% - Deathstroke - 36.3% - Legend of Wonder Woman - 44.7% - The Sheriff of Babylon
1 year comparisons =================== +282.6% - Nightwing (Grayson) +264.2% - Red Hood & Outlaws (Red Hood/Arsenal) +221.6% - Green Arrow +209.4% - Batgirl +206.8% - Hellblazer (Constantine the Hellblazer) +195.1% - Flash +193.2% - Wonder Woman +168.2% - Aquaman +152.7% - Justice League +127.6% - Action Comics +126.6% - Superman +122.7% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) +107.7% - Detective Comics + 60.3% - Batman + 15.9% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up - 11.5% - Astro City - 14.2% - Injustice - 24.6% - Harley Quinn - 29.8% - New Suicide Squad - 34.4% - Teen Titans - 40.8% - Deathstroke - 47.1% - Earth 2 Society - 48.9% - Batman Beyond - 53.8% - Doctor Fate
2 year comparisons =================== +609.2% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey) +419.9% - Hellblazer (Constantine) +372.8% - Red Hood & Outlaws +269.3% - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps (GLC) +241.7% - Green Arrow +189.1% - Flash +185.6% - Wonder Woman +182.1% - Batgirl +144.1% - Justice League +108.8% - Aquaman + 86.3% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) + 74.9% - Action Comics + 69.2% - Superman + 67.5% - Detective Comics + 57.7% - Batman + 47.6% - Nightwing (Grayson) + 24.8% - Batman Beyond - 12.7% - Scooby-Doo Where Are You? - 30.3% - Injustice - 43.0% - Harley Quinn - 45.2% - Batman 66 Meets... - 55.0% - New Suicide Squad - 58.0% - Earth 2 Society (Earth 2) - 67.2% - Teen Titans
5 year comparisons =================== +814.9% - Hellblazer +505.4% - Titans +367.7% - Batgirl +302.4% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey) +270.4% - Batman +266.8% - Wonder Woman +213.4% - Green Arrow +199.5% - Superman +170.6% - Detective Comics +117.6% - Action Comics +106.2% - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps (GLC) + 18.7% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) + 9.7% - Scooby-Doo Where Are You? - 17.8% - Teen Titans
10 year comparisons =================== +506.7% - Hellblazer +238.5% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey) +213.7% - Nightwing +149.7% - Aquaman +121.7% - Green Arrow +115.3% - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps (GLC) + 57.9% - Superman + 57.5% - Detective Comics + 53.6% - Batman + 49.1% - Action Comics + 33.8% - Flash + 10.1% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) - 59.2% - Astro City - 73.3% - Teen Titans
Sales Indices ============= DCU: Average: 90,237. Median: 97,722. No.: 41. Total: 3,699,734 2.6 - Justice League 2.2 - Justice League Rebirth 2.2 - Batman (2) 2.1 - Batman (3) 1.6 - Nightwing Rebirth 1.4 - New Super-Man 1.4 - Nightwing 1.4 - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth 1.3 - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps 1.3 - Wonder Woman (2) 1.3 - Flash 1.2 - Titans 1.2 - Superman (2) 1.2 - Detective Comics (936) 1.2 - Batgirl & Birds of Prey Rebirth 1.2 - Superman (3) 1.2 - Flash (3) 1.2 - Batgirl 1.2 - Wonder Woman (3) 1.1 - Detective Comics (937) 1.1 - Red Hood & the Outlaws Rebirth 1.0 - Action Comics (959) 1.0 - Green Lanterns (2) 1.0 - Green Lanterns (3) 0.9 - Hellblazer Rebirth 0.9 - Action Comics (960) 0.9 - Green Arrow (3) 0.9 - Green Arrow (2) 0.9 - Aquaman (2) 0.8 - Aquaman (3) 0.5 - Harley Quinn 0.3 - New Suicide Squad 0.2 - Deathstroke 0.2 - Superman Coming of Supermen 0.2 - Teen Titans 0.2 - Dark Knight 3 Collectors Ed. 0.2 - Batman Beyond 0.2 - Earth 2 Society 0.1 - Doctor Fate 0.1 - Legends of Tomorrow 0.1 - Bloodlines Vertigo: Average: 6,328**. Median: 5,375**. No.: 8. Total: 50,620** 1.6 - Lucifer 1.6 - Astro City 1.0 - Clean Room 0.9 - Sheriff of Babylon 0.8 - Suiciders: HelL.A. ** 0.8 - Unfollow ** 0.8 - Dark & Bloody ** 0.7 - Red Thorn ** Digital First & Other: Average: 18,570. Median: 14,933. No.: 14. Total: 259,978 2.4 - Flintstones 1.6 - Future Quest (2) 1.6 - Scooby Apocalypse 1.5 - Future Quest (3) 1.0 - Wacky Raceland 1.0 - DC Comics Bombshells 0.9 - Legend of Wonder Woman 0.7 - Batman 66 Meets The Avengers 0.7 - Injustice Year Five (13) 0.7 - Injustice Year Five (14) 0.6 - Adventures of Supergirl (5) 0.6 - Adventures of Supergirl (6) 0.4 - Scooby-Doo Team-Up 0.3 - Scooby-Doo Where Are You?
The Fine Print (Disclaimers, et cetera)
The numbers above are estimates for comic-book sales in the North American direct market, as calculated by according to the chart and index information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors.’s estimates are somewhat lower than the actual numbers, but they are consistent from month to month, so the trends they show are fairly accurate. Since it’s a “month-to-month” column, the comments, unless otherwise noted, are on the most recent month.
Bear in mind that the figures measure sales of physical comics to retailers, not customers. Also, these numbers do not include sales to bookstores, newsstands, other mass-market retail chains or the United Kingdom. Re-orders are included, so long as they either reached stores in a book’s initial calendar month of release or were strong enough to make the chart again in a subsequent month. Keep in mind that sales for some titles may include incentives to acquire variants and not every unit sold is necessarily even intended to be sold to a customer.
If additional copies of an issue did appear on the chart after a book’s initial calendar month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in brackets behind those issues (e.g. “[36,599]”). Likewise, any lower numbers due to returns or other factors returns will also be reflected in the brackets. Should more than one issue have shipped in a month which is relevant for one of the long-term comparisons, the average between them will be used.
Titles which are returnable have their numbers artificially adjusted down by Diamond. To make up for that this column increases the reported numbers for those titles by 10%. Which is likely also wrong, but it’s a different and likely less wrong kind of wrong, and experience has shown that this leads to sales figures which are more consistent.
Titles released under the All-Ages line and magazines, such as Mad, mostly sell through channels other than the direct market, so direct-market sales don’t tell us much about their performance. For most Vertigo titles, collection sales tend to be a significant factor, so the numbers for those books should be taken with a grain of salt as well. To learn (a little) more about Vertigo’s collection sales, go right here.
Please keep in mind that raw sales numbers do not tell us about how profitable a book is for a publisher or for the creators.
Above all, do not allow sales numbers to dictate your purchasing and enjoyment of a particular comic. If you enjoy reading a comic series then go right on buying and reading that comic, no matter what the sales figures say.
** Two asterisks after a given month in the average charts mean that one or more periodical release did not make the Top 300 chart in that month. In those cases, it’s assumed that said releases sold either as many units as the No. 300 comic on the chart for that month or what the sales of the previous issue of the series were—whichever is lower—for the purposes of the chart, although its actual sales are likely to be fewer than that.
Opinions expressed in this column are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, Heidi MacDonald or anyone at The Comics Beat, the Association for Professional Basketball Research, or my former neighbor’s dog Miles.
The author of this column does weekly snapshots of Amazon comic sales charts at and tweets about comics and related subjects on Twitter at @davereadscomics (PM me there is you need to contact me).
As always, we welcome your comments and corrections below. Please try to keep things civilized.
“Wonder Woman is following a somewhat unusual publication strategy, with the odd issues telling one story set in the present, while the even issues tell a Year One story of Wonder Woman’s origin. I imagine that it will work out better than if there were two separate monthly series, but we’ll have to see if any reader confusion seeps in.”
I doubt it would do better. If one of the stories was a mini-series, it would be easier for some people to justify skipping it. As it stands, even if they are not interested in one of the stories, they probably don’t want holes in their collection.
Love the constant talk about returns Richmond Va has alot of stores rebirth issues and #1 sold out the day of release and reports across country state same type of sales. Doubt DC gets any reurns on those issues at all is do 1 percent MAX
@allen: Returns are mentioned because (from the fine print): “Titles which are returnable have their numbers artificially adjusted down by Diamond. To make up for that this column increases the reported numbers for those titles by 10%. Which is likely also wrong, but it’s a different and likely less wrong kind of wrong, and experience has shown that this leads to sales figures which are more consistent.”
It’s not a surprise that Wacky Raceland is the lowest Hanna-Barbera title. I read the first issue and i can’t recall the last time I read something so terrible.
Though I can’t say the new Flintstones was very good either. Future Quest and Scooby Apocalypse are pretty enjoyable.
Looks like Hastings going out of business didn’t hurt DC in Slightest
I don’t know… everyone screams “Success!” when a relaunch (Marvel, DC, whomever) happens and the first few issues blow it through the roof! But can you really rate anything on issue #1 sales anymore? I mean, they’re fanboy wet dreams! “First issues!” Gotta get them all! I say give it half a year then let me know how DC is REALLY doing. This is the entire problem with the industry right now. Relaunch every six issues so they’ll get that “first issue boost!” then it all goes to poop.
I am surprised Superman & Action is on the lower side compared to the others, those 2 titles are great. Titans is another good one.
I have cancelled Green Arrow, Green Lanterns & Aquaman already.
I also agree that Flintstones was not a good title. 1 issue and that was it for me.
I find it interesting that Action and Detective, with their big numbers, are selling well.
Yet please, Marvel, tell me why you can’t have a comic with a number higher than 15.
The rate of attrition is interesting. The drop off from #1 to #2 is around 10-15% for most books, which is really good, compared to the usual 40% or so.
Yes Pop, i was thinking the same thing. THAT is really impressive, more than the debut numbers. This really marks a difference with Marvel.
Flintstones is a tricky book; a lot of people who read the first issue really didn’t know what to expect, and weren’t sure what to make of what they. But if if clicks with you (as it did with me), then WOW. It’s one of my favorite books DC is is publishing right now. I really hope its numbers hold up, because I’d like to be reading this one for a long time to come.
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