The CXC festival was held over the last four days in Columbus and the Sunday night driving home tweets were all very happy. I’ve pieced together the award winners from Tweets and Instagrams and what not. You can see more photos and news at the CXC FB page.
The CXC Master Award was shared by Carol Tyler and Sergio Aragones. No one could argue with that! Tyler is the author of Soldier’s Heart, a memoir about her father and one of the best graphic novels ever about family and war and memory. Aragones is the creator of Groo and longtime Mad Magazine artist. At least THREE counries can count him as a national treasure, Spain, Mexico and the US…but he really belongs to the world.
Kevin Czap won the Emerging Talent Award. (Katie Skelly won it last year.) In addition to his own comics, Czap has hiw own publishing company, called, surprisingly, Czap Books. You can check out his work on Hazlitt. The award includes a $7500 cash prize – excellent.
Doonesbury’s Garry Trudeau won the Transformative Work Award. I don’t know what the criteria for this award was but surely it included “Showing Donald Trump was evil 30 years ago.)
You can see my sources for the above from the links below. If there were more awards, send ’em my way.
CXC is run by Tom Spurgeon in conjunction with Jeff Smith, Cartoon Books and the Billy Ireland Library, and it has all the makings of one of the major shows of the year.
Tyler held her award aloft, like a boss!
The comics arts festival part looked classy.
While I expect more reports reflecting the sentiment below in coming days…
Here’s one or two I found right now!
Jason Young sketched a panel of Seth and Ben Katchor.
The the local paper had a nice profile:
The second annual Cartoon Crossroads Columbus comics convention exploded this year into a four-day event at locations throughout the city, including Saturday’s artist expo at the newly renovated Downtown branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library. More than 100 artists gathered on the spacious second floor of the library to sell their comics and merchandise and chat with and sign autographs for fans of all ages.
As I understand it, the Transformative Award is for a body of work that completely changes the landscape of the medium. In other words, a really, really influential comic or artist.
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