Well, since it’s Friday let’s go all out with the Kickstarter newsw. Her’s a newsish one from Steve Hamaker, a collection of his graphic novel PLOX Volume One which he’s been serializing online.
The story follows three online gamers and their experiences:
Kim; the guild leader at the end of her rope, Chad; the obsessed gamer trying to get revenge for being kicked out of his guild, and Roy; the relatively stable one that’s more interested in games with dice & paper.
Online gaming is a theme and a device that connects each of the characters, but at its heart, PLOX is about friendship. The comic is based on my own life and experiences, and inspired by my friends and family. I’ve had a great time creating this story, and I look forward to sharing the book with all of you.
The campaign is in its early stages and has a promising start but a ways to go. Goodies include dice a hat and other fun stuff.
Hamaker is perhaps best known for his coloring of the Scholastic edition of Bone, but he’s also done his own comics in the past. Worth checking out.