Back at the first Image Expo this year it was announced that Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips were going exclusive with Image for their collections, and that means porting over CRiminal from Marvel’s creator owned Icon line. And this month’s solicitations reveal that not only is it coming back, but there will be a new one-shot, and newly designed editions, hitting in January.
The 48-page one-shot—to be colored by regular colorist Elizabeth Breitweiser—will also have an irresistible CRIMINAL: SAVAGE EDITION magazine-sized variant.
The logline:
It’s 1976, and Teeg Lawless is doing 30 days in county jail with a price on his head; his only safe company from the savagery: a beat-up old comic magazine his dead cellmate left behind. It’s CRIMINAL like you’ve never seen it before, with a comic within the comic and all those slick ‘70s thrills!
“We’ve been planning the return of CRIMINAL for the past year, and I couldn’t let the launch go by without returning to our underworld for a new story,” said Brubaker. “With FATALE and THE FADE OUT, we’ve been hearing from a lot of new readers, so it couldn’t be a better time to get the thing we’re most known for back on the shelves.”
While Criminal was not the first Brubaker/Phillips collab, it did kick off a very fruitful creator owned partnership that has seen a wealth of pretty amazing books, including Fatale and the new The Fade out.