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TV show announcement causes rampant CRIMINAL sell outs

While a new print run was indeed on the cards, the sales boost came far sooner than expected - with the books reportedly selling out the day after the pickup announcement.

Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are back with HOUSES OF THE UNHOLY

Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, the most reliable duo in comics, are back with a new graphic novel in August, HOUSE OF THE UNHOLY.

Brubaker and Phillip’s CRIMINAL to be a series on Amazon Prime

Criminal, the noir series by much lauded creators Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, is coming to Amazon Prime as a series.

Classic Comic Compendium: CRIMINAL – VOL. 1, a noir masterpiece

This book will make you love the genre.
That Texas Blood

REVIEW: THAT TEXAS BLOOD vol. 2 asks if places become evil or if they’re...

Plus, Texas gets its own Kolchak ‘The Night Stalker’ stand-in.
Ed Brubaker The Fade Out

Ed Brubaker cuts a deal with Legendary TV Studios

He'll adapt and create new I.P. for the studio.

BAD WEEKEND graphic novel spins out of Brubaker, Phillips CRIMINAL

This crime thriller about a heist at a massive comic con will be ready right in time for San Diego!
Brubaker and Phillips Criminal #1

Brubaker and Phillips CRIMINAL #1 Sells Out, Goes Back to Print

The double-sized monthly return of the multiple Eisner-winning series will get a second printing set for release in February along with Criminal #2.

PREVIEW: Here’s the first ten pages of the new CRIMINAL #1 from Brubaker and...

The acclaimed crime series returns in January.

Brubaker and Phillips Bring Back CRIMINAL With New Monthly Series

The book, which will debut with a new #1 in January, will tell new stories in the world of the celebrated crime noir comic.

CRIMINAL is back at Image

criminal1 Back at the first Image Expo this year it was announced that Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips were going exclusive with Image for their collections, and that means porting over CRiminal from Marvel's creator owned Icon line. And this month's solicitations reveal that not only is it coming back, but there will be a new one-shot, and newly designed editions, hitting in January.