Welcome to this week’s installment of The Beat’s Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up! Join us for a look into a new beautiful but disturbing comic, a sequel to a sci-fi success, a phenomenal take on creatures of the night, and much more!

Creators:  Scott Hampton (Writer/Artist) 
Goal: $10,000
End Date: June 12
Goodies: Get the Digital copy of tresspassers for $16, The Graphic novel for $50, a signed copy for 60, and at higher tiers get ink sketches, random interior art, painted art, and much more!

Eight friends set out hoping to find the mysterious, and legendary, Woods House. No one truly knows if the house exists, because no one who has found it has ever returned…Now we know why.

Honestly looking at just the preview pages we could tell this was perfect for fans of horror and Lovecraftian cult  shenaningans. On top of this seeing Hamptons artwork and disturbing takes on the cultists I can see why the project has already hit its goal. Safe to say this is a comic worth checking out and I cant express enough how you should take a look at it and see if its something you should have in your collection. Its a fantastic take on the Cabin in the woods sub-genre, as Hampton puts it, and definitely worth your time. 

Become a backer here!

Death Transit Tanager 2

Creators: Karl Kerschl (Writer/Artist)
Goal: $10,965
End Date: June 21 
Goodies: Get the digital edition for $7, the comic for $25, the variants for $45, and at higher tiers exclusive bundles including the complete collection!

Tanager Ray can speak to the dead. One of a handful of young women who have this strange ability, she works as a Death Transit – a ferryman for lost souls stuck between here and the afterlife.

Inspired by Metroid and Hellboy and a LOT of manga and anime, each issue of DEATH TRANSIT TANAGER is a murder mystery in space, filled with creeping dread and kinetic sci-fi action!

In this second issue of the series, Tanager races to rescue a young girl from the jaws of death!

Tanager hits all the right spots for fans of cyberpunk, sci-fi, supernatural thrillers, and much more. Just taking a look at the previews of this comic I cant help but want to rip it out of the screen and read it. Why wouldnt you want too, it comes from the brilliant mind of an Eisner award winner, its no secret why this campaign has made double its goal. We at The Beat cant sress this enough, do not miss out on this project!

Become a backer here.

The Hollowed Night #1                                                                                         
Creators: Son M (Writer), Lady Santos (Pencil and Inks), MSASSYK (Colors)
Goal: $16,245
End Date: June 26
Goodies: Get the digital copy for $11, the paperback for $13, the variant cover for $17, and at higher tiers get exclusive merch and bundles!

In a foggy city, a vampire spawn, a werewolf and a dark witch conspire to kill the most powerful monster hunter of their time… and get revenge for all those they lost.

On the night of the blood moon, Hellblade manages to murder all of Lorne’s clan, including his Vampire Master, leaving him unable to transform into a full vampire, nor able to die as a human. Desperate to escape this horrifying life and his anger, Lorne recruits the bartender Sirius, a lone werewolf from a scattered family, and Naenia, a dark witch who is the last of her coven, to enact revenge. None of their masters could kill Hellblade, but also, none of their masters ever worked together.

We cannot stress this enough, you need to back this project. The project has almost reached double their goal already and for good reason. It’s not always that a Kickstarter stands out to us immediately, some may be eye catching, but to have a fanbase that was already excited from previews of artwork, to then come out in mass to fund the project on its first day speaks volumes. Then for Son M and Lady Santos to deliver an exquisite piece of art, with an engrossing story, loveable characters, and reward tiers with a great line of merch! I feel sorry for those who don’t check out this project. Its going to be one for the books. 

Become a backer here.

The Dead and the Damned #1-2

Creators: Goats Flying Press
Goal: $10,000 
End Date: June 26
Goodies: Get the digital copy for $4, the comic for $20, a limited edition variant cover for $50, and at higher tiers get exclusive bundles, t-shirts, and much more. 

The Dead and the Damned is a dark fantasy apocalypse set in a world that for centuries has been ravaged by a horrifying curse where all things that die return to wage war on the living. Raised by the insidious Gravehand, his four Pallbearers receive visions of their past lives that challenge their reality. Can they complete the Gravehand’s destructive conquest, or will their desires consume them first?

Once again, the dark fantasy epics don’t know how to stop! The Dead and the Damned, is returning to the roundup for the second time! With great grimdark art, a fantastic story, and a taste for exquisite dark fantasy, this is a project any fantasy fanatics will not want to miss!

Become a backer here. 


Creators: GLIMM
Goal: $5,500
End Date: June 5
Goodies: The digital PDF for $15, the physical edition for $25, and the GLIMM*R bundle that comes with the book and goodies for $35!

Glimm*r is a comics and illustration magazine inspired by our love of yuri and sapphic media that explores complex and varied relationships between girls.

For this first issue, we’ve brought together 11 talented artists to present over 100 pages of comics and illustrations under the theme of dreams.

Glimm*r is meant to be a magazine that uses their love of yuri and sapphic media to explaore different relationships between girls. They do this by using 11 different stories and artists, and fill up their magazine to the brim with fantastic art and deep, engrossing stories. 

It’s phenomenal. 

That’s why they already hit goal with over 300 backers with only 2 weeks left in their campaign. That’s why we at The Beat think you should take a look at what they are working on, you wont regret it!

Become a backer here. 

Miss any of our previous Comics Crowdfunding Round-Ups? Check out the archive here!