Jessica Drew debuts her new costume in Spider-Woman #1, which hits shelves in March, and Marvel is leaning into the mystery and allure surrounding the series with a new variant by Chip Kidd.

The die-cut variant was revealed Tuesday, and it’s incredibly striking: the front cover is an upside-down yellow triangle outlined in spray-paint red on a black background, and the back cover is Jessica’s spider symbol, also spray-painted on a black background with the title font underneath.

The inside cover art is slightly different, but on the same theme. The spider symbol walks up from the inside back cover to the inside front cover against a red spray-paint background, with a white triangle on the inside front and a yellow triangle on the inside back. The Spider-Woman creator credits are also listed: writer Karla Pacheco, artist Pere Pérez, and colorist Frank D’Armata.

If you want this cover, you’ll need to pre-order from your local comic shop ASAP. Because of production lead times, final order cut-off for the Chip Kidd die-cut variant is Monday, January 13.

Spider-Woman #1 hits shelves March 18, 2020. Check out the die-cut external and interior cover art below, as well as solicit text.

Chip Kidd die-cut Spider-Woman #1 variant Chip Kidd die-cut Spider-Woman #1 variant


Jessica Drew hasn’t been feeling like herself lately (she’s not a Skrull, we promise). When the angry, irritable, and unwell Spider-Woman takes a simple security gig to help get back on her feet, she finds herself besieged by unknown forces out to destroy everything around her. What’s wrong with Jessica? Just how DID she get this job? And who are these violent lunatics who keep trying to blow her up? WHO CARES? Does Spider-Woman have someone to punch? THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS.

An explosive new series that pushes Spider-Woman into new heights of action and adventure from the mad minds of Karla Pacheco and Pere Pérez, this is the Spider-Woman book you’ve been waiting for!