Here’s an item that doesn’t seem to have gotten too much play in the traditional comics media: as revealed on their Comic-Con pageShiftylook has signed up Homestuck’s Andrew Hussie. ShiftyLook, you’ll recall, launched last year as a webcomic spinoff of some old Namco Bandai games, and they’ve continued on with animation and other multi media stuff.
We’re excited to announce that ShiftyLook has secretly been working with the extraordinarily awesome champion of the Internet Andrew Hussie to create something new! And even better, Mr. Hussie himself will be participating in several ShiftyLook-related events at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con!
Hussie has a huge—and I do mean HUGE—following for his sprawling Homestuck megaopus, and this is sure to get a lot of attention.
It’s kind of mysterious that what he has managed to do with Homestuck hasn’t captured the imagination of the ‘traditional’ comics fans. Homestuck definitely isn’t just a comic, but it also kind of is. Beyond the gifs, animation and music he incorporates into the story there is also new techniques for pacing and text/image relationships that I find much more engaging than the panel-by-panel stuff current digital comics seem so proud of.
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