While the disaster of Universal Fan Con continues to have ripples into the blerd community, the shock and disappointment shoudn’t cloud the fact that there are many existing and successful events that spotlight marginalized fan communities. UFC is a huge fail, but it does not define this space.
And indeed, many in the community and surrounding areas are stepping up to help those who have suffered financial loss from the “postponed” event.
First off, this tweet mentions existing conventions that promote diverse fans communities.
Game Devs of Color Expo, July 14th
MECCAcon2018 5th year, 9/15, Detroit
Again these are all well established events, many of which we’ve covered on the Beat for years.
Meanwhile, back in Baltimore, several events and promotions have sprung up to take the place of Universal Fan Con, and there are a lot, so if we missed one, feel free to add it in the comments. Also see Andrea Ayres‘ earlier piece on how to support those left behind.
• Perhaps biggest, a pop-up event is taking place on Saturday, April 28th in Baltimore, Wicomicon, which is being put on by The Nerds of Color. INFO:
This week, diverse pop culture fans from all over the world will be coming to Baltimore en masse looking to celebrate their fandom and their communities. Unfortunately, for many of these people, their plans have abruptly changed due to the cancellation of Universal FanCon. Fortunately, the WICOMICON Pop-Up 2018 is here to #SaveTheDay
The name “Wicomico” is derived from the Algonquin words meaning “a place where homes are built.” Housed in a historic building at 1100 Wicomico Street in Baltimore, MD, WICOMICON 2018 will be a home for fans and artists left homeless by the postponement of FanCon.Featuring some of the most acclaimed names in the comic book, arts, and entertainment industries, WICOMICON 2018 will open its doors starting at 10am on Saturday, April 28 and run until 7pm. In addition to dozens of exhibitors, this unique pop-up convention will also feature panels, cosplay contests, surprise guests, and a wide variety of food options. Admission at the door will be only $10 ($5 for FanCon ticket holders) and free for children under 12.
For more information, they have a website set-up.
• Booking agent LoMoPro says that some of the actors from The Magicians and Killjoys will be attending WiComicon. It seems to be in the planning stages so fingers crossed this comes through.
• There’s a queer meet-up the night before in Baltimore:
• The Baltimore SF Society is holding a meet-up for fans on Friday, 4/27:
Details: On Friday, April 27, 2018 we will host an impromptu social for Universal Fan Con registrants from 6:00pm till 9:00pm (or when folks want to leave) at the BSFS Building. Further Universal Fan Con registrants in Baltimore for the weekend are also invited to our Anime Social, Book Discussion and general Social Meeting on Saturday, April 28th and the Tabletop Role-Playing Game Event on April 29th all at the BSFS Building. Check our website at www.bsfs.org for details and directions.
• The Great Philadelphia Comic Con is also next weekend, and while there is a preference for events to stay in the Baltimore area, GPCC will allow anyone with a ticket to Universal Fan Con to attend Friday free, or Sunday at half price. Details here.
• Bal;itmore Comic Con, the great event of the fall, is holding a one day Spring Fling event on Sunday, April 29th that is FREE to attend.
• Also please check out the Tumblr set up for UFC artists and vendors. There are many talented people here whose work deserves to be seen.