OK, as near as I can make out, in September, after all the old and new Marvel characters team up in the Generations thinger we told you about yesterday, there will be a NEW story tying it all together, Marvel Legacy by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic, and after nothing will ever be the same in the Marvel Universe, then the legacy books will return to legacy numbering!
Face it, Tiger! You just hit the checklist!
You can read the PR below which is jammed with some hype that Comics Twitter won’t have any fun with at all, like Marvel e-i-c stating that Legacy is “the very best jumping on point in the history of comics.”
That remains to be seen.
Marvel Legacy #1 hits in September.
An Asgardian titan. A Wakandan warrior bred to be a king. The very first Sorcerer Supreme.
Since its inception, Marvel has been delivering groundbreaking heroes and explosive stories. Now, prepare to return to the dawn of time, as Marvel introduces you to the first Avengers from 1,000,000 BC – when iconic torch-bearers such as Odin, Iron Fist, Star Brand, Ghost Rider, Phoenix, Agamotto, and Black Panther come together for the startling origin of the Marvel Universe, in MARVEL LEGACY #1!
The acclaimed team of writer Jason Aaron (Mighty Thor) and artist Esad Ribic (Secret Wars) reunite for an all-new 50-page blockbuster one-shot that will take you through time to the current Marvel Universe, showing you how it’s truly “all connected.” A true homage to Marvel’s groundbreaking stories, MARVEL LEGACY brings your favorite characters together for exciting and epic new stories that will culminate in returning to original series numbering for long-running titles.
“MARVEL LEGACY #1 isn’t simply a history lesson,” says SVP and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort. “Rather, it’s the starting gun to a bevy of mysteries and secrets and revelations that will reverberate across the Marvel Universe in the weeks and months to come! No character, no franchise will be untouched by the game-changing events that play out across its pages. Jason and Esad pulled out all the stops to fat-pack this colossal issue with as much intrigue, action, surprise, mystery, shock and adventure as possible!”
“MARVEL LEGACY #1 will present all fans – new readers and current readers – the very best jumping on point in the history of comics,” says Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso. “What Jason and Esad have crafted is more grand and more gargantuan than anything we have ever seen before and introduces concepts and characters the Marvel Universe has never encountered. Fans are going to witness an all-new look at the Marvel Universe starting at one of the earliest moments in time carried all the way into present day. Not only will this be the catalyst for Marvel evolving and moving forward, but expect it to be the spark that will ignite the industry as a whole.”
This September, prepare to MAKE MINE MARVEL with the most surprising, suspenseful, mysterious, astonishing tale ever told, featuring appearances from almost every beloved Marvel hero! It all leads to the return of a major Marvel icon in a shocking reveal that will leave fans speechless!
True believers: this book has it all! Dive into all the excitement when MARVEL LEGACY #1 comes to comic shops everywhere this September!
Written by JASON AARON
Double Gatefold Cover by JOE QUESADA
Marvel meets The Goddamned.
I’m an Aaron fan, and even his superhero comics too (which is saying something these days).
I’ll even check out this commercial for whatever more-of-the-same Marvel’s settled on for their grand Legacy Numbering Celebration!
Happy Legacy Numbering Days everyone!
Sorry, after the storylines and events of the past few years, the betrayals, the ends-justify-the-means, the trashing of characters for stunts and events, the wholesale abandoning of morals to the point where there was no line between good guy and bad guy… After all that I can’t get enthused for this. Especially since it’ll probably be priced at 5.00 or above. Besides “startling origins of the marvel universe” sounds like another retcon to me.
How many times have we hear “after nothing will ever be the same in the Marvel Universe”? Until the next universe changing event occurs at some point in the future.
“Not only will this be the catalyst for Marvel evolving and moving forward, but expect it to be the spark that will ignite the industry as a whole.” -Alonso
That’s rather egotistical isn’t Alonso? I don’t think DC, Image, Boom, Dynamite or Valiant need your help to do what they already do best.
Why can’t Marvel just create stories for new and old readers to enjoy instead of all this BS?? Because who the heck cares? Why do they have to keep justifying changes to their publishing line – just be bold. They must be so scared the aging hardcore fan’s going to disapprove of them. Why can’t they be like their movie division and not give a shit about offending the old timers?
“Kard says
06/16/2017 9:11 PM AT 9:11 PM
Why can’t Marvel just create stories for new and old readers to enjoy instead of all this BS?? Because who the heck cares? Why do they have to keep justifying changes to their publishing line – just be bold. They must be so scared the aging hardcore fan’s going to disapprove of them. Why can’t they be like their movie division and not give a shit about offending the old timers?”
Because the aging old timers are the ones with lots of disposable income and Marvel has pretty much priced out a lot of potential new fans with their $4-10 floppies coupled with crossoveritis. Also, corporate has set sales goals to meet (probably a growth target, too) hence the numerous events, renumberings and variants.
Reckon profit targets are also why Marvel cancels “diverse” books before the books even make it to trade where the real audience for those books are. Seriously, a lot of those books should probably head straight to OGN or maybe Kindle/comiXology/Marvel Unlimited monthly serialization followed quickly by TPB release.
Just remember, Marvel: A jumping-on point can also be used as a jumping-off point.
Seriously, can someone please explain to me how returning to “legacy numbering” is supposed to increase sales in the “gotta have every issue since #1” world that comics fans have always lived in?
On the other hand as long as the stuff keeps selling they are going to keep putting it out. I haven’t bought a marvel comic for a long time now, I see no reason to start now, but it seems at least by the Diamond sales charts that everyone else is buying them. If the ends-justify-the-means is the motto of the marvel super beings then sales-justify-everything is the motto of marvel corporate and what else matters more than sales?
As a longtime Marvel fan driven away by Quesada and his Salacious Crumb, Bendis, it is amusing to note the dramatic shift in emphasis. I seem to recall the Q era beginning with placing creators at the center of Marvel’s appeal. It was creator this, creator that, creator, creator, creator! The characters were just the vehicle. The creators were the attraction.
Now it seems like nearly every Marvel pitch is built on the characters and exploiting the affection we’re still supposed to have for them.
I. I cannot figure out what this solicitation even means.
I, personally, would love a break and an event that is a good story that does not “Change Everything!!!” but is an exciting adventure that also happens to feature lots of major characters. Natural disasters! Alien invasions! Super villains who weren’t former superheroes! Remember those?
Ah, simpler times.
But you know, this could be okay, even though it sounds nonsensical. I mean, maybe. I expect homo erectuses with super powers, Marvel! That’s the only way that ad copy makes sense! Alternately, given how Marvel science tends to be B-movie science, cave men and T-rexes with super powers.
Rui, publishers and retailers have years of data that shows comics with poor sales rarely result in profitable trade paperbacks. (That is, poor selling comics result in poor selling trades.) DC has even been known to solicit a trade for a low selling series and then cancel the orders and delete the book from their catalog.
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