In Jamie by Bre Indigo, the eponymous teenager meets a red headed guy named Aiden at a wedding and quickly develops a crush. In short order, Jamie can’t think of much of anything besides the object of his affection – and soon he discovers that Aiden is even one of his classmates! But when Jamie discovers Aiden is already seeing someone, are his dreams of romance over before they even begin? Or is it just the beginning of a journey that will lead to places Jamie never expected?

A group picture at the wedding.

The comic features a supporting cast filled with charismatic classmates, including Jamie’s sister, Vicky, and the group of friends Jamie meets as he begins to pursue a romance with Aiden.

Red Alert! Red Alert!

The crisp art renders the roller coaster of emotion that is high school romance and friendship in beautiful, engaging color. One of the strengths of the webcomic is the excellent use of lettering and dialogue balloons, which often incorporate hearts and other details for an extra flourish.

Hold the line — the call to action isn’t always on time (whoa-whoa-whoa)!

There are several ways to read Jamie. You can catch the comic (which includes additional queer romance storylines) on either Webtoon or, if you’d prefer, you can read it on Tapas – and thanks to the fact that the comic has been running for a couple of years, there are plenty of pages for you to catch up on as the days get shorter and you’re looking for something to read through the night (hooray for the illumination of cell phone and computer screens)!

When you already have a photog…

You can support Indigo directly through their patreon, and you can follow him on Twitter to keep up with the latest updates on her work.