As part of their 25th Anniversary celebration, Dynamic Forces is having a Humble Bundle featuring an assortment of comics they’ve published over the years. Don’t do a double take. Yes, that’s Witchblade in the final tier. Something Dynamic Forces worked on with Top Cow before they started up Dynamite.
Official PR follows:
Dynamite Entertainment’s parent company, Dynamic Forces is turning 25, and to celebrate they’ve partnered with the charity bundling site, Humble Bundle to create the Dynamic Forces 25th Anniversary bundle featuring a wide assortment of some of the best comics from their long history! This latest promotion highlights the work of some of the biggest authors in the publisher’s catalog and features over 150 issues and 3 Art Books of Dynamite’s best titles! Fans can pay what they want via the different thresholds for OVER 4,400 pages of comics, graphic novels and more, over 150 single issues, and 3 Art Books, this ultimate and limited-time only deal launches today, March 21st at 2PM EST, and is available for a very limited time! This Dynamite bundle can be found by visiting:
“In reflecting where we’re at, it’s hard to believe that Dynamite Entertainment’s parent company, Dynamic Forces, is celebrating our 25th Silver Anniversary. It’s amazing to look back and see how all of the roads led to building this company, starting with Dynamic Forces 25 years ago. Even before the Dynamite publishing line began, Dynamic Forces published comics with our friends in the industry including Humberto Ramos’ Crimson with Wildstorm Publishing and working with Mark Millar, Jae Lee, Geoff Johns, Paul Jenkins and Top Cow to publish Witchblade, The Darkness and Tomb Raider comics, many of which are in this bundle.,” says Dynamite CEO/Publisher, Nick Barrucci. “All of these moments and events lead to a close friend suggesting we acquire the Army of Darkness license, and we decided to create the Dynamite imprint for publishing. It’s been a fantastic ride, and we look forward to another 25 years of creating great comics and more. We are now more than honored to partner with the amazing people at Humble Bundle to offer great comics to fans everywhere from the extensive collection of our Dynamite and Dynamic Forces titles available anywhere.”
Part of the proceeds from the Dynamic Forces 25th Anniversary Humble promotion will contribute to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit charity dedicated to protecting the First Amendment rights of the comics medium.
The “Pay What You Want” model offers readers the chance to unlock over 150 comics and 3 Art Books totaling OVER 4,400 pages!
The $1 core will give comics fans access to:
- Miss Fury Vol. 2 #1-3 – by Corrina Sara Bechko and Jonathan Lau
- The Bionic Man Vs The Bionic Woman #1-2 – by Keith Champagne and Jose Luis
- Gold Key Alliance #1-2 – by Phil Hester and Brent Peeples
- The Green Hornet Year One #1-4 – by Matt Wagner and Aaron Campbell
- Red Sonja Vol 4 #0 – by Amy Chu and Carlos Gomez
- Ash vs. The Army Of Darkness #0 – by Chad Bowers, Chris Sims and Mauro Vargas
Those who pay more than the $8 tier price will also unlock all of the above PLUS:
- Miss Fury Vol. 2 #4-5 – by Corrina Sara Bechko and Jonathan Lau
- Army Of Darkness/Xena: Forever and a Day #1-3 – by Scott Lobdell and Elliot Fernandez
- The Bionic Man Vs The Bionic Woman #3-5 – by Keith Champagne and Jose Luis
- · Gold Key Alliance #3-5 – by Phil Hester and Brent Peeples
- · George Perez Storyteller – George Perez and Chris Lawrence
- · The Green Hornet Year One #5-8 – by Matt Wagner and Aaron Campbell
- · Prophecy #1-3 – by Ron Marz and Walter Geovanni
- · Red Sonja 1973 – by Cullen Bunn, Luke Lieberman, Eric Trautmann, Roy Thomas, Dave Acosta and Rich Buckler
- · The Shadow: Master Series #1-3 – by Andrew Helfer and Bill Sienkiewicz
- · Art Of Atari Poster Book
- · Swordquest #1 – by Chad Bowers, Chris Sims and Ghostwriter X
- · Flash Gordon #1-4 – by Jeff Parker, Evan Shaner and Jordie Bellaire
$15 or more will get you all of the above PLUS:
- Army Of Darkness/Xena: Forever and a Day #4-6 – by Scott Lobdell and Elliot Fernandez
- The Boys Digital Omnibus Vol 1 (issues 1-22) – by Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson and Peter Snjeberg
- Vampirella: The Essential Warren Years Vol. 1 – by Archie Goodwin, Forrest J. Ackerman, Steve Englehart,
Jose Gonzalez, Tom Sutton, Gonzalo Mayo and more!- George RR Martin’s A Clash Of Kings #1 – by George R.R. Martin, Larry Q. Walker and Mel Rubi
- The Green Hornet Year One #9-12 – by Matt Wagner and Aaron Campbell
- Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Fool Moon #1-8 – by Jim Butcher, Mark Powers and Chase Conley
- Kiss #1-5 – by Amy Chu and Kewbar Baal
- Prophecy #4-7 – by Ron Marz and Walter Geovanni
- Red Sonja Vs. Thulsa Doom #1-4 – by Peter David, Luke Lieberman and Will Conrad
- Centipede #1 – by Max Bemis and Eoin Marron
- Darkness/Eva #1 – by Leah Moore, John Reppion and Edgar Salazar
- Witchblade: Demon – by Mark Millar and Jae Lee
- Witchblade: Demon Reborn #1-4 – by Ande Parks and Jose Luis
- Witchblade/Red Sonja #1-5 – by Doug Wagner and Cezar Razek
- Ten Frames Per Second – by Johnny Wu
- 25% off Art Of Atari Coupon for Dynamite Digital Store
$25 or more will get you all of the above PLUS:
- Art Of Atari – by Tim Lapetino
- Vampirella/Witchblade : Trilogy – Brian Wood, Steve Pugh, Jimmy Palmioti, Justin Gray, Liam Sharp and Joyce Chin
- Frank Thorne’s Red Sonja At Edition Vol. 1 – by Frank Thorne
- A Train Called Love – by Garth Ennis, Russ Braun and Mark Dos Santos
The Dynamic Forces 25th Anniversary Humble Bundle is available for a limited time only. Gain access to these great savings, and enhance your Dynamite – and Dynamic Forces collection of comics today, by visiting