The third volume of the March Trilogy, Rep. John Lewis’s personal story of the Civil Righs movement, will be out this August it was revealed today, along with the cover. Written by Lewis and Andrew Aydin with art by Nate POwell, the first two books of March have already become comcis classics and the third volume should complete a powerful trilogy.

The 76-year-old congressman relives that history not only in person but also on the page, with his graphic memoir that recounts how he first became a nonviolent protester as a teenager and endured pain and terror while leading the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). He promoted the series’s second installment last summer with a mock march with schoolchildren at Comic-Con, and this summer he’ll release the end of the trilogy, “March: Book Three.” It begins with the 1963 church bombing, works its way through protests in the Deep South and concludes at the White House, with the signing of the Voting Rights Act.

Today is actually the anniversary of the 1965 “Bloody Sunday” march in Selma, led by John Lewis and Hosea Williams. The event si depected on the cover of Book Three and makes up a key sequence of the book.


  1. August, eh? That’s not too bad of a wait.

    Finally watched Selma a few weeks back and it was so well done. Lookin forward to getting Lewis’ first-hand account.

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