Day one of WonderCon is over, but the Beat is just getting started. Our brand new YouTube Channel is live and thriving– and here to bless us with our first piece of regular WonderCon coverage content is our very own editor-in-chief Heidi MacDonald!
WonderCon isn’t the comics convention that pulls the highest attendance numbers, but it’s got some secret advantages that its sister show, the behemoth that is San Diego Comic-Con, will never have. Thanks to its relatively smaller size, WonderCon allows you to get up close and personal with some of the biggest comics creators like Tom King and Donny Cates without the rabid fan competition a show like SDCC or NYCC engenders. Simultaneously though, the show is in Anaheim, just a stone’s skip away from a huge bevy of entertainment stars and celebrities such as Sophie Turner (who we’ll have on the channel very soon–oops, spoiler?!). They all come to WonderCon too, so Hall H be damned– this might just be the greatest show you’re missing out on.
Check out Heidi’s take on Anaheim, WonderCon, the life and times of Tolkien, and more. And stay tuned to the Beat as we bring you the latest and greatest in entertainment coverage here at WonderCon 2019!


  1. Heidi is the Anita Sarkeesian of comic books.
    She is highly polarizing.
    She did not feel safe starting a video channel until the proper security channels were put in place to make it safe for her to speak as a woman.

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