It’s that time! Time for the #1 graphic novel of the year to be announced!
Abrams Books Amulet imprint has just revealed that the ninth Wimpy Kid book will arrive on November 4, and a teaser image suggests a road trip is in the offing for the fractious Heffley clan.
“I’m taking the Heffleys out of their home environment and sending them out on the road,” said million selling author Jeff Kinney. “Writing about an epic family road trip has really got my creative juices flowing, and I think this could be the funniest book yet.”
The last Wimpy Kid book, Hard Luck, released in November ’13, has sold more than 3 million copies and was the number one selling book in the US last year.
Whether you call it a graphic novel, a hybrid, one of the most successful book series of all times, or Al, Wimpy Kid #9 will probably sell another three million copies.
Raina’s next graphic novel “Sisters” is all about a family roadtrip as well! It’s gonna be a great season for roadtripping middle grade series!
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