Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 7th, 2011! And there are very likely some comics-related festivities happening in your area, or at the very least. some free comic books.
There are way too many happenings to cover here. Diamond has a master list of events, including interviews by Darwyn Cooke and Humberto Ramos and the FCBD site has a monster list of signings organized alphabetically by state!
However, a few highlights to get you going.
First off, our buddies at Maphook have a nice promotion. Not only does everyone who creates a hook about their FCBD experience have a chance to win a cool prize, but Maphook will donate $1 to the Hero Initiative for every FCBD related hook. If a pro or a shop creates one, they’ll donate $5. Do go download that app and get hooking now.
Here’s a selected spin around the country for what else is going on on the national comic book holiday:
• In addition to giveaways, Floating World Comics is having a sale on dollar comics all the livelong day.
• Midtown Comics will have freebies you can’t get anywhere else, they have a unique version of the Free Comic Book Day Green Lantern Special Edition comic book, from DC Comics, with the Midtown Comics logo emblazoned on the cover!
• Collector’s Paradise is having a field day including the “Sketches for HERO Initiative” fundraiser, the presence of a famous Korean / Latin fusion Food Truck, and a killer lineup of artists doing signings: Whilce Portacio, Joshua Fialkov, Tomm Coker, Tone Rodriguez, Tony Fleecs, Chris Moreno, and Ray Friesen.
• Bill Galvan, Archie Comics writer and illustrator, will be autographing comic books at Night Flight Comics from 2:30-6:00.
• Image has released a list of creators appearing and signing at FCBD, including Robert Kirkman.
• is celebrating FBCD digitally with free downloads and sweepstakes, including the ultimate grand prize of an iPad 2 or an Android Tablet!
BOOM! Studios is releasing Elric: The Balance Lost and the Darkwing Duck #1 / Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers #1 flip book! along with $1 BOOM! Blasts!
• Keene Public Library is having a 24 Hour Comic Challenge for the occasion, starting at 11am.
• And FCBD even has a new hit song, “First Saturday in May at Flying Colors” by Cyrus and Isaiah Rajeski. This is an ode to Free Comic Book Day, shot in Flying Colors in Concord CA.
Get thee to a Comic Book Shoppe and read some comics!
Synagogue! I may walk over to my LCS, A&S Cards and Comics, later in the day to say hello…
As for me: Not for Children Children’s Books and Rare Faust Stuff @ the Bronx Museum off of the 4 and D train on 161st.
@ 1 PM — I will be at the new comic store, THE ESCAPIST, in Berkeley, Ca. with the writer, Derek McCulloch. This store is what became of Comic Relief in Berkeley (for those following that saga).
I and 5 of my cohorts at Ink and Drink Comics will be sketching and signing our new crime anthology SHOTS IN THE DARK (and our old horror anthology, SPIRITS OF ST. LOUIS) at the South County Slackers in suburban St. Louis, MO. And since Slackers is both a comic book store AND a record store, it should be doubly awesome!
I’ll be at Comic Stop U-District on 45th in Seattle (until like a week ago, this was Zanadu Comics in the U-District). I’ll be signing and sketching with Justin “Moritat” Norman. So please come on by…
…and to remind everyone–these “free” comics aren’t free to the retailers, just free to us. So buy something, too!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
I plan on making the rounds a bit. I’ll probably go to Uncle Sven’s and The Source, both in St. Paul, and might stop in at Big Brain in Minneapolis to round things out. Too much to do to make a day of it like I did last year- 3 stops is plenty!
I won’t be doing any signings, but speaking of Graphicly, my LIFELIKE graphic novel is one of the free comics they’re offering on Saturday. Ordinarily $3.99, you can grab the 96 page book for zero dinero on FCBD.
I will be at Heroes’ Haven in Tampa
4339 Gunn Highway
I get to hang with my old NEGATION and EXILES collaborator Paul Pelletier — one of my favorite humans ever.
I’ll be at my fine place of employment, Austin Books & Comics, helping people navigate the store and returning misplaced comics and answering the question “Do you guys have a bathroom?” approximately 80,000 times.
It’s gonna be AWESOME. (@<@)/
I’ll be at Dreamland Comics in Libertyville, Illinois, from 1-4pm with the always-fabulous Gene Ha. Come by if you’re in the Chicago suburbs!
I’ll be working at one of my local shops, Comic Emporium, where I’ll be helping to hand out the comics and talking with the people who come. I’m also doing a mini FCBD at my school on Monday, with the kid-friendly FCBD comics I purchased – every student will get a free comic.
10:00AM – 11:30AM
Michael Buckley and the N.E.R.D.S. book series. For ages 9 to 14.
12:00 noon – 1:30PM
Brian Wood – DMZ, The New York Four, New York Five Northlanders, Local, Demo and many more. For ages 14 and up.
2:00PM – 3:30PM
Fiona Robinson – The Useful Moose: A Truthful, Moose-full Tale and The 3-2-3 Detective Agency. For ages 4 to 12.
4:00PM – 5:30PM
Laura Lee Gulledge – Page by Paige. For ages 12 to young adult and up.
6:00PM – 7:30PM
Rick Parker – Tales From The Crypt, Diary of a Stinky Dead Kid, Harry Potty and the Deathly Boring and the unauthorized Twilight Saga, “Breaking Down.” For ages 8 to young adult and up.
Brooklyn Comics and More, Inc.
493 7th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11215
TWITTER – bklyncomicsmore
FACEBOOK – Brooklyn Comics and More