Since it’s a slow news day, we’ll even link to this new webcomic, Joe Infurnari’s The Process, which reminds us a lot of Philip Pullman for some reason.

The Process webcomic is an opportunity for me to flesh out a story that I have been thinking about for a very long time. What it amounts to is a journey and exploration through a personal ‘pleroma’, an imaginary landscape populated by strange, wondrous creatures and archetypal characters. Throughout the creation of this story, readers will find that the art will vary radically from chapter to chapter. This relates to another stop along the way; that of the journey of the artist. By exploring this personal world, I also hope to expand and develop my own visual idiom by experimenting with new ways of making art and storytelling. Even this introduction is by no means permanent. I will be updating it and finetuning it as the story develops. Everything here is in flux and part of an exploration and investigation into life, creativity and spirituality.


  1. Joe Infurnari is pretty amazing. Everybody should read his comic, MANDALA. That mini-comic is stunning!
    BORROWED TIME is pretty darn nice, too.

    Thanks for the heads-up, Heidi!