Best known for his hectic DRAGONBALL series, Akira Toriyama is probably one of the most successful cartoonists of all time. His first big hit was DR. SLUMP, a slapstick humor strip about an inventor who creates a little girl robot who is hopelessly naive about the world.
Hijinks ensue. Hijinks that anyone who likes FAMILY GUY will appreciate. This is not sophisticated humor but it is energetic, wildly imaginative cartooning at the highest level. It’s also world building in the classic McCloudian-approved way, with the setting of Penguin Village, like Springfield or Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, a friendly place filled with colorful characters.
Viz has a 20-page preview of the first issue up, and you can read the early volumes in digital format. If we could embed the preview, we would but…Viz doesn’t allow that but go check it out.
[Via David Brothers]
Dr Slump is so unsophisticatedly funny, you’ll feel like a 9 year old boy again!
“Viz has a 20-page preview of the first issue up, and you can read the early volumes in digital format. If we could embed the preview, we would but…Viz doesn’t allow that but go check it out.”
So this isn’t exactly a new webcomic, right? They’re simply putting the old books up on the web for people to read? And isn’t the first issue part of the “early volumes”? You’re telling us that there are 20 pages of the first issue, and we can read the early volumes in digital format? So the rest of the books are somewhere up there to be read, but only 20 pages of the first book?