Nine weeks ahead of its release Undiscovered Country, has been optioned for a movie and – potentially – an entire franchise by New Republic Pictures. The Image comic is written by Scott Snyder and Charles Soule with art from Giuseppe Camuncoli and Daniele Orlandini and colors from Matt Wilson.
The post-apocalyptic series is set to hit comic shelves on November 6. It takes readers to a near future, in which the United States is, as of yet inexplicably, a phantom of what it once was, no longer even known by the same name. It’s walled itself off from the rest of the world and thus its internal ongoings are a mystery to anyone on the outside. That’s bad news for a our protagonists; a research team looking for a cure to a global pandemic. Upon breaching the U.S. borders, they discover it is a life or death struggle to survive in this Undiscovered Country.
Founder of New Republic Pictures Brian Oliver sees loads of potential and a variety of genres in the pitch. It’s exactly what he thinks will make this I.P. popular for many audiences. “We see this as the start of a franchise. It’s got a little something for fans of The Walking Dead, it’s got a little something for fans of Mad Max. And we are thrilled to bring the first feature in this future world that Charles and Scott have created to the big screen.”
The creators themselves, thankfully will play a large role in the adaptation. Snyder and Soule will be taking on the screenplay while Camuncoli wears the executive producer hat. Meanwhile, John Hilary Shepherd will take care of development on New Republic Pictures’ end.
Along with a Twitter tease the night before, Snyder adds “Undiscovered Country is a passion project for us, an epic journey across a vastly changed American landscape, and we’re elated that it’s found a perfect home in New Republic, a studio known for inspired, visionary and urgent films.”
So, crazy news: New Republic Pictures has picked up UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY for a potential franchise! UC is the new @ImageComics ongoing by @CharlesSoule, Cammo, Daniele Orlandini, @colornmatt, @ccrank, Will Dennis & me. And they tapped Charles & me to write the screenplay.
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) September 13, 2019
Soule says “It’s a huge story with massive ideas – truly suited for the big screen, and we’ve found the perfect partners with the ambition and drive to get it there.”
They’re making a movie of UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, the new @imagecomics series from me, @Ssnyder1835 and Giuseppe Camuncoli (#1 on 11/6).
Scott & I will write it.
Massive congratitude to @COLORnMATT, Daniele Orlandini, @ccrank & Will Dennis!
— Charles Soule (@CharlesSoule) September 13, 2019
If you haven’t heard the name New Republic Pictures, you’ve probably heard of its movies. The studio’s resume includes Rocketman, Hacksaw Ridge, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Black Swan and others. Its also currently producing 1917, The Creed Of Violence, Green Rush and Zelda.
Undiscovered Country hits comic stands this November – and theaters in a future that’s (hopefully) closer than the one portrayed in its pages.