2015 CBCC Sticker-WEB
Print this out, in black-and-white or color. Bring to event. Get in free.  Don’t worry, there will be extras at the show in case you forget!


Clallam Bay Comicon, a small town comicon located on the Olympic Peninsula, has announced two special guests for their fifth annual show, to be held July 11-12, 2015, in the Lion’s Club building.

Returning once again is Roberta Gregory, noted cartoonist of “Naughty Bits” and various bio-comics.  Appearing for the first time will be Linda Medley, Xeric- and Eisner-Award winning creator of Castle Waiting!

So, what pray tell, is the Clallam Bay Comicon?

Well, here’s the map:

Yes, you can’t really get much smaller than that!  But, really, it’s a nice locale.  I attended last year, and it’s a great place to hold a comicon in the summer!  (Being on the water, the temperature drops to about 50°F at night/early morning, and the daytime temp is in the 70s.  Bring a hoodie.)  The show itself is housed in the local Lions Club Hall, offering a cosy and friendly “one-room comicon” with a low overhead!  All fandoms are welcome!  Four hours from Seattle (including a nice ferry ride), five hours from Portland, three hours from Victoria (with an even nicer ferry ride, since it’s Canadian).  It’s a low-stress show.  I’m returning because it’s a nice summer break, I get to hang out with some interesting people, it doesn’t cost a lot, and it’s loads of fun!

Here’s the guest list so far.  (If you want to buy a table, follow this link.  Oh?  How much does a table cost?  $25.  Twenty-five dollars.  Jackson and Lincoln.)

  1. Donna Barr‘s A Fine Line Press AND Clallam Bay Comicon Central.
  2. Page Birmingham.
  3. Roberta Gregory – don’t miss the Cat Toons books! Sharing her table will be Magic Realism Writer Bruce Taylor, with his books.
  4. Charcoal Brown – Illustrator of “Pirates Dream of Me.” Writer and illustrator of “Picnicker.”
  5. Linda Medley, creator of “Castle Waiting”

So, what’s planned for programming?

Here’s the schedule (subject to change…)  (Note there’s still space to suggest a panel!)


Caravan Road Trip: Attendees are planning car pools and caravan from Seattle, best along Highway 101 past Lake Crescent (visit recommended), then up Highway 113 to 113-112 junction to Clallam Bay. To schedule and organize, see the Facebook page.
Sol Duc Hot Springs: Cheap day admission. Bring your swimsuit. Let me know when you’re coming. Let’s solid up this event, for those arriving Friday on the road trip. Hit the Hungry Bear Restaurant for some solid eats to stoke up for the rest of the drive.

Bizarre Movie Night; Friday or Saturday or Sunday (depending on body count): Bring your favorite mondo gonzo DVD to share with everyone!  Twilight Zone, Looney Tunes, Adult Swim, 1930s sci-fi…whatever you love and want others to experience!  Because if you don’t, I’ll bring mine, and then it’s “Phantom Empire“, “Spike and Mike’s Festival of Animation”, and “The Paul Lynde Halloween Special”!   Mu wha ha ha! 
SATURDAY 10 am – 5 pm

9 am-10 am: Show set-up (if you plan to get in Friday, you must contact Ms. Barr about  possible early set-up).

10 am: Show officially opens

10 am: Fun Days Parade Lineup. Those who wish to participate in the Fun Days parade, assemble at Weel Road Deli/Shell parking lot. Be fabulous. We need somebody to secure the hall if everybody else leaves. Donna has to cover the parade for local papers; she’ll buy you coffee.

11 am-12 Noon: Fun Days Parade

Noon-1: Lunch break. Find Fun Days goodies, including the Lion’s Club barbecue, and frybread and Indian Tacos in the bus barn. We have a kitchen. Potlucks and shairsies welcome.

2-2:50 pm: How To Draw A Horse Right, Damnit. Donna Barr reprises a classic from San Diego Comicon. Bring paper and pencil or tablets so you can follow along. Will give instructions upon request, so if you want to know about centaurs and ponies, just ask. The more drawings she does, the more she’ll have to hand out at the end of the panel. Nonsense will abound. This will be filmed and posted on YouTube. 

3-3:50 pm: How To Draw Cats Roberta Gregory shows everyone how to draw our favorite house tigers, as featured in her True Cat Toons book (available at her table).

4-4:50: Concert With Crime and the Forces of Evil 

5 pm: Show closes for the evening; hall locks up.

Dusk: Fireworks in Sekiu.
SUNDAY 10 am – 5 pm
10 am: Show opens.

Noon-1: Lunch break. What did you all bring?
5:00 pm: ARGGGHHH! Swab-The-Decks Event. Show closes, ALL participants  heave to and make the Lion’s Club ship sparkle! Pirate hats optional. Jerry Our Guy loves us for this part.


Caravan Road Trip: Head out along Highway 112 to Port Angeles to complete the road trip look. Take in the beaches! Stop in Port Angeles for a big breakfast someplace, and take off. I’ll be along, for sure (I’ll bus back home).
Want to know more?  Got questions?  Suggestions?  Need a place to sleep?  Visit the Facebook page!

 Press Release:

The fifth annual Clallam Bay Comicon welcomes special guests

The fifth annual Clallam Bay Comicon will be held July 11-12, 2015, in the Lion’s Club building in Clallam Bay, on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. The Comicon features anything creative, including but not limited to comics, all other arts and writing, film, music and dance.

Featured guests include comics veteran Roberta Gregory, creator of “Naughty Bits” and her recent “True Cats Toons,” and Linda Medley, creator of “Castle Waiting.”

Gregory will give a talk about how to draw cats. Medley will discuss fine pen care, and may share sneak peeks of her next book. Donna Barr, who is hosting the show, and is the creator of “The Desert Peach” and “Stinz,” will offer two talks: how to draw a horse, and how to hold an admission-free comicon in any community.

Once again, there will be no admission fee, and sales table rates are kept very low. The road trip through the woods past the Peninsula’s lakes and beaches – which has become an enjoyable feature of the event – is being planned now.

Peninsula businesses and communities are encouraged to offer welcoming specials or events to Comicon attendees, and to post these on the “2015 Clallam Bay Comicon” Facebook page.

For full information follow the links www.donnabarr.com