Next month Image Comics will release The Essential Guide to Comic Book Lettering. The new book from letterer Nate Piekos will break down everything you ever needed to know about the craft of lettering comics. Today, as part of our Letterer Appreciation Day celebration, The Beat is pleased to present a preview of the book, as well as its complete table of contents.
Here’s how Image describes The Essential Guide to Comic Book Lettering:
Award-winning comic book letterer and founder of Nate Piekos provides in-depth tips and techniques for modern digital comic book lettering. From creating your own lettering templates and developing design skills to crafting emotive dialogue and dynamic sound effects, Piekos offers a comprehensive look at what it means to build a lettering career in the comics industry today.
In the publisher’s announcement of the forthcoming guide, Piekos explained what went into his decision to put everything he knows down on paper:
“For years I’ve posted lettering tips and design theory on social media, and one of the most frequently asked follow-up questions I receive is, ‘Have you ever thought about writing a book about this?'” said Piekos. “Since well-executed lettering is an often overlooked part of the comics reading experience, very few people realize just how much graphic design skill is required to do the job well. I felt like it was past time to write an exhaustive guide on the art of digital comic book lettering for all those who are interested. It’s a ‘deep dive’ on the subject that aspiring letterers have been craving.”
I freely admit that there are many, many, many things that I don’t know about what goes into lettering a comic, and I’ve always had a great appreciation for those who can do it well, Piekos included. The table of contents for the book shows that, as well as going in-depth on dialogue and the different types of balloons, Piekos will also cover the ins and outs of captions, sound effects, and more, and I for one can’t wait to read this book and learn as much from it as I can.
Check out the preview and the table of contents below. The Essential Guide to Comic Book Lettering is due out in comic shops on Wednesday, October 20th, and everywhere the following Tuesday, October 26th. The preorder cutoff date for comic shops is Monday, September 13th.