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Tag: Walking Dead

Want 3,300 pages of The Walking Dead? Get the 15th Anniversary Box Set

$200 works out to around 6 cents per page.

Walking Dead Day is October 13th and With It Comes a Variant Cover

The next retailer branded variant.

See Bill Sienkiewicz’s New Series of Walking Dead Variant Covers

The Walking Dead tribute variant covers are over, so now it's time for the 15th anniversary variant covers for the actual Walking Dead comic.  Bill Sienkiewicz is doing them and new Sienkiewicz art is always a...

Walking Dead #175 Cover Reveals “New World Order”

Image has debuted the cover to The Walking Dead #175, which kicks off the "New World Order" story arc. Official PR follows: Image Comics/Skybound Entertainment revealed the ominous cover artwork for the forthcoming THE WALKING DEAD #175...

Image Just Can’t Stop Releasing More Walking Dead Variant Covers

While I keep waiting for some prankster to slip a Shaun of the Dead tribute cover into the mix, Image has drop yet another batch of Walking Dead tribute covers.  It's Kirkman's world and we...

Even More Image Walking Dead Variant Cover Reveals

Image is still rolling out Walking Dead variant covers.  Behold:  Image Comics is pleased to reveal a slew of THE WALKING DEAD variants in celebration of the company’s 25th anniversary. This final month of 25th anniversary...

Walking Dead Variant Cover Month Now Featuring B&W Variants of the Original Variants

A couple weeks back, Image announced they were going to wrap up their 25th anniversary variant cover program with Walking Dead variant covers in October.  It seems they're not QUITE done with those anniversary...

Walking Dead Variant Covers for the Final Month of Image’s 25th Anniversary Variants

The last month for Image's 25th anniversary variant cover series will feature Walking Dead variants.  Or perhaps Walking Dead tribute variants might be a little more precise.  Image has even released a few of...

Skybound Unveils De Felici Variant Covers For The Walking Walking Dead and Entire Line

Robert Kirkman's Skybound imprint over at Image Comics is looking to show off their new artist find.   Italian comic artist Lorenzo De Felici will be drawing a series for Skybound and while Skybound...

SDCC ’17 Watchtower Roundup: Walking Dead TV Art; The ’16 Ghostbusters Get Their Own...

A few more notes on things we're seeing from orbit on monitor duty in The Beat's Watchtower: The may have cancelled the Walking Dead panel, but we've got some art for the two TV versions... The...

Zen Studios brings Walking Dead pinball to VR

Zen Studios should be a name familiar to comic book fans. For years they've made video game pinball featuring iconic Marvel characters like Spider-Man, Wolverine, and the Avengers. On November 29, they're getting set to...

Charles Adlard named UK Comics Laureate

He's not quite Bob Dylan yet, but Walking Dead Artist Charlie Adlard was just named the UK’s Comics Laureate at a ceremony at the Lake Comics Festival which is now going on. Adlard succeeds...