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Tag: So What? Press

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: The Night Watchman joins forces with Red Hook to help CBLDF!

Check out this exclusive, seven-page preview of the crossover.

INTERVIEW: Tales of the Night Watchman goes nationwide with Diamond! We talk with Dave...

The Brooklyn-based baristas who fight monsters are taking their adventures to a comic store near you.

The Ghost Train is leaving the station… next stop, Comic Arts Brooklyn and 2019!

With the Fall 2018 issue of the Park Slope Reader this past October has come a new installment of the beautifully drawn, historically-tinged, fantasy mystery Tales of the Night Watchman: The Ghost Train. The Night...

“So What? Press” is serving up exciting things this April!

Baristas fighting monsters, fantastic creators, and hot coffee encounters- So What? Press has all sorts of things in store this month! Starting in mid-April, a new 10-page Tales of the Night Watchman story by Dave Kelly will...

INTERVIEW: So What? Press Mastermind Dave Kelly Reveals the Secrets to Success in Indie...

So What? Press marked it’s fifth year as an indie comics publisher this past fall. Their tent pole horror-noir series, Tales of the Night Watchman, is celebrating the release of their fifth issue with a signing at Forbidden Planet in New York this Saturday.


It’s a strange guide to a mysterious treasure, this tome launching April 25th at Desert Island (eerily appropriate venue name!) from So What? Press, edited by Lara Antal and Dave Kelly. BREAKERS is the...

The Atlantic Center for the Arts Residency Experience with Studio YOLO

In October of 2012, eight cartoonists spent three creatively game-changing weeks at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach, Florida as part of a Master Artist-in-Residency program with Emmy Award winning...