Tag: short box
Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up: OUT OF STYLE, BOYISH² and 3 more projects that we love!
Welcome to the Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up! The column spotlights crowdfunding campaigns by queer creators, disabled creators, women creators, and creators of color, which we think are a great investment, whether for a one-shot story or a sprawling...
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 10/14/20: These sick burns will keep you warm in chilly autumn...
The Red Hook returns, Disney reorganizes, comics publishing news and so much more.
How is comics crowdfunding doing during the pandemic? Pretty good BUT….
Kickstarter has had some rough spots in the pandemic crisis, but comics projects remain strong for now.
A Year of Free Comics: ShortBox is releasing BENEATH THE DEAD OAK TREE and...
And there's more to come!
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 3/4/19: Gahan Wilson needs funds for his care
Sad news about a classic cartoonist.
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 3/12/18: Back from the fray
§ Nice Art: you can now separately order Emily Carroll's Beneath the Dead Oak Tree, previously available as part of Short Box. Carroll is a modern master and this sound mighty tasty:
Murder, decadence, cowardice,...
Alert! You can now order Short Box #7 with new Emily Caroll and...
Short Box is a curated collection of small press comics editor by Zainab Akhtar, and the new one, #7, just went live for pre-orders. Orders will be open until January 31st, and the package...
The Beat Gift Guide Part 1: For the Indie Admirer
The holiday gifting time is here and the Beat crew stands ready with some suggestions for the comics lover, comics curious or even comics oblivious - there's something for everyone out there.
Review: Shortbox #2 – Impressive Comics
Zainab Ahtar Short Box project has delivered its second collection, and it's another strong outing.
You have only a few short hours to pre-order Short Box 2
Pre-orders for the second edition of Short Box, the box of exclusive comics and swag curated by Zainab Akhtar (with some logistical help from Thought Bubble's Clark Burscough) is now available for pre-order ,...