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Tag: Sales distribution charts

Sale Charts – Magic Order Hits Big (and Contested) Numbers, But a Slow Month...

You wonder if DC and Marvel sucked up some of the retailers' indie budget in June?

Sales Charts: Image is Looking Better Compared To DC & Marvel – May Sales...

Those Event books and relaunches chart high, but sustainable numbers are still fleeting

Sales Charts: In Which Walking Dead Is the #2 Selling Non-Event Title in Comics...

It's really hard for DC and Marvel to break 70K without some kind of stunt. Enter: Kirkman.

Sales Charts – Justice League: No Justice and Man of Steel at the Low...

The chart always looks better when Doomsday Clock gets around to shipping.

The Terrifics is the #3 Franchise For DC in February – DC Sales Distribution...

It’s time to take a look at the sales distribution charts and see where things fall in the market for February 2018.  As usual, we’ll start with DC. Standard disclaimers: The numbers are based on...

If You Wondered Why Comic Stores Are In Trouble – DC vs. Marvel vs....

And finally, the comparison chart of DC, Marvel and Image.  So we can see where the biggest sales sit on the Direct Market Landscape. Standard disclaimers: The numbers are based on the Diamond sales charts...

27 Titles Selling Under 5K – Image & Indie Publishers Sales Distribution Chart for...

It’s time to take a look at the sales distribution charts of Image and the other independent publishers for December. Standard disclaimers: The numbers are based on the Diamond sales charts as estimated by the...

Disappointing For a Big Promotion – Marvel’s October 2017 Sales Distribution Chart

Now it’s time for a look at Marvel’s sales distribution charts for October. Standard disclaimers: The numbers are based on the Diamond sales charts as estimated by the very reliable John Jackson Miller. These charts are...