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Tag: PJ Holden

PROJECT: CRYPTID anthology searches for the world’s funniest mythical creatures

The anthology will kick off AHOY Comics's five-year anniversary celebration in September.

Rebellion and Garth Ennis bring back UK title BATTLE ACTION this summer with a...

The success of last year's Battle Action special has given the title another shot at life. Garth Ennis will be joined by a fleet of writers and artists for a new five issue miniseries of the anthology title, starting May 2023.

PREVIEW: THE LION AND THE EAGLE #4 brings Ennis & Holden’s series to a...

The final issue of the World War II-set series is due out next week.

2000 AD releases free comics as well as children’s activity pack!

Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you and your kids can't be packed with Thrill-power!

Numbercruncher’s Trade Comes Out This Week: Here’s The Trailer

With the upcoming release of the thoroughly Beat-approved series Numbercruncher in trade, Titan Comics have shared a trailer video with us that catches people up on the book. The series - by Si Spurrier, PJ...

FIRST LOOK: Numbercruncher #3 from Titan Comics

Titan Comics, hearing about Tharg's earlier visit, decided to also pop round for some tea and biscuits, and also handed me some paper. This time though, the paper was a first look - nobody...