Tag: paperfilms
SDCC’18: Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner’s creator owned properties get a radical pin treatment.
Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner have created tons of terrific stories through their Paperfilms company. Palmiotti has been showing off a shiny new piece to a few people at SDCC and now we finally...
Paperfilms crew announces spring convention schedule and website sale
What is Paperfilms? It's not really a studio, but not just a loose confederation either. It consists of Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Justin Gray, Paul Mounts, Frank Tieri, Joanne Starer, Dave Johnson, Craig Weeden and Patrick...
Jimmy Palmiotti talks his new western Kickstarter Abbadon and working with Adaptive Studios
Kickstarter maestros Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray of Paperfilms are at it again, this time with a Western, Abbadon, a tale of murder and mayhem set in a town full of just about every vice you can imagine. As with previous projects, the book is being funded on Kickstarter, and as of this writing is a few thousand dollars from making its goal, with two weeks to go.
Jimmy Palmiotti on Kickstarting Sex and Violence II and why women are reading Harley...
Everyone should "Listen to JImmy" Palmiotti that is. The veteran writer, artist editor and publisher is one of the most knowledgeable comics people out there. With his collaborators from Paperfilms, Justin Gray and Amanda Conner, he's made a small publishing enterprise out of kickstarting a series of graphic novels based on the European album format. The seventh, Sex and Violence Vol. II is ending in a few days and we advise you to get in on the Amanda Conner/Dave Johnson action as soon as possible -- the books will not be sold in any other way. We talked to Palmiotti a few months ago when he was Kickstarting the SF tale Denver and got his overall thoughts on using Kickstarter as a platform. This time out we talk about the storytelling process,finding artists and also find out how Harley Quinn, which he co-writes with Amanda Conner, has become one of DC's bestselling titles, with a huge female fan base.