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NYCC ’16: Marvel unveils new NOVA art by Ramon Perez

Richard Ryder and Sam Alexander will team-up in the upcoming series

REVIEW: CIVIL WAR II #1 Sets the Stage for What Might be Marvel’s Best...

Reviewing Bendis' and Marquez's latest foray into the Marvel limelight.

Marvel reveals photographic Cosplay variant covers

Cosplay is a thing. Variant covers are a thing. And now cosplay variant covers are most definitely a thing. Marvel will have 20 cover adorned by photos of cosplayers depicting the titular characters.

There’s a Secret Code in the Marvel Solicitations!

Al Kennedy, the man most of us refer to as KEEN EYES KENNEDY, has done it again! He's spotted a secret code in Marvel's newest batch of solicitations, which suggests some much-loved characters will be...

Marvel’s Next Big Thing: Jeph Loeb’s Nova

The conference calls are back at The Beat! Last night Jeph Loeb participated in a phonecall with member of the comics press to discuss the coming launch of a new Nova series - starring...