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Tag: Lalo Alcaraz

Awards Roundup: Blitt wins the Pulitzer; Davis wins LAT Book Prize; Cartoonist Studio Prize...

Some of the most prestigious awards of the year have recently been announced.

SD Comic Fest 18’: Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz on How He Didn’t Want Disney’s “Coco”...

Sometime after this, Pixar contacted Alcaraz. “They invited me for a ‘little-chat,’” he said. When they asked for his help to work on the movie, Alcaraz was stunned. “I was thinking, ‘wow universe, you have a sick sense of humor.” But, Alcaraz saw this as a great opportunity and accepted it. “I wanted to make sure this wasn’t going to be the Aladdin for Mexicans.”

Meeting Informs San Diego Comic Fest to Change Date and Venue: Will It Affect...

Said to be “The Friendly, Intimate Comic Con Experience,” San Diego Comic Fest held a volunteer meeting on Sunday afternoon at the Pacific Beach public library. This will mark 6-years for the convention organized...