Tag: Jordie Bellaire
INTERVIEW Pt 2: Declan Shalvey discusses identity, violence, and controversy in SAVAGE TOWN
"They told me that Savage Town was too close to the bone for some people out there."
INTERVIEW Pt 1: Declan Shalvey details how a city comes to life in SAVAGE...
"My concern with writing was that I would lose this creative spark..."
Batman and Catwoman are faced with some big life choices in Batman #24
Poor DC, trapped between having story line surprises and having to market those same surprises.
This it is with Batman #24 by Tom King, David Finch, Miki and Jordie Bellaire. The issue is previewed in...
ECCC: Image announces everything from Mage: The Hero Denied to Shirtless Bear-Fighter
With this year's Image Expo taken off the schedule due to Image's move to Portland, the ECCC Image Panel was the scene of many announcements, including the concluding chapter of Matt Wagner's 30+ years...
DC Reborn Review: BATMAN #2 Unveils an Intriguing Conspiracy in Gotham
King and Finch's second outing keeps up the momentum of the first with some key reveals
MATT CHATS: Declan Shalvey on Injecting Himself into the World of Creator-Owned
After making his presence in the comic book industry felt in a big way on a run with Warren Ellis on Moon Knight, Declan Shaley moved over to creator-owned with the writer. They set...
Image’s Nowhere Men to Return this Fall
Back in May, Image released their August solicits. Buried deep within document is an advert for a reprint of the first trade of Eric Stephenson's, Nate Bellegarde's, Jordie Bellaire's, and Fonografiks' Nowhere Men Vol. 1,...
Advance Review- Rebels #1 gives new meaning to “Live Free or Die”
Story: Brian Wood
Art: Andrea Mutti
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Jared K. Fletcher
New Hampshire's state motto, "Live Free or Die," has always captivated me. It's raw and aggressive. It's frenetic and energetic in a way that captures...
ONE AND DONE: Moon Knight—It Doesn’t Take Much
You ever see The Raid? It's this Indonesian action movie. It (and its sequel) is probably one of the best action movies in recent memory.
The plot of The Raid is ridiculously simple. One cop, in one building, against an army of criminals. It is an hour and a half of dudes wrecking shit. It's eighty minutes of brutal martial arts. It's something that's been done lots--you can describe a ridiculous number of movies that way, thanks to Die Hard--but that doesn't change the fact that it's absolutely thrilling, a marvel of craft and assured filmmaking.
Dynamite Week: Parker, Shaner and Bellaire Bring Back Flash Gordon
Dynamite Week is going on this week, and so say Dynamite themselves. There'll be several announcements coming from the company over the next few days - and the first of which is a new...
Numbercruncher’s Trade Comes Out This Week: Here’s The Trailer
With the upcoming release of the thoroughly Beat-approved series Numbercruncher in trade, Titan Comics have shared a trailer video with us that catches people up on the book.
The series - by Si Spurrier, PJ...