Tag: javier rodriguez
Exclusive First Look: Profane #1 by Peter Milligan and Raül Fernandez
Profane #1, a new murder mystery from Peter Milligan and Raül Fernandez debuts inJune and here's a peek.
Tamaki & Rodríguez team for ZATANNA: BRING DOWN THE HOUSE Black Label series
The new ZATANNA: BRING DOWN THE HOUSE series finds DC's resident magician confronting the sins of her past in Sin City.
New TALES OF THE TITANS miniseries explores the team member’s histories
The series pays homage to Marv Wolfman & George Pérez's similarly-titled 1982 miniseries.
BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD anthology expands on the Dawn of DC initiative
The debut issue of the series will feature stories by Tom King & Mitch Gerads, Christopher Cantwell & Javier Rodriguez, and more.
The Marvel Rundown: Cosmic shenanigans are afoot in DEFENDERS #1
Reviews of this week's Marvel releases, including Defenders by Al Ewing and Javier Rodriguez, plus more in the Rapid Rundown!
Marvel pays tribute to Wein & Cockrum with GIANT-SIZE X-MEN #1 recreation
A team of 37 artists will recreate the classic one-shot that introduced the modern X-Men team.
PREVIEW: Marvel at pages from Javier Rodriguez and Álvaro López’s upcoming HISTORY OF THE...
The series by Rodriguez, López, and writer Mark Waid is due out in July.
Marvel introduces Tessa Thompson style Valkyrie in Exiles
I gotta admit, as a kid, the original Valkyrie from Defenders was one of my most favorite Marvel characters. A somewhat naive six foot warrior who was a fish out of water with a...
Marvel Brings Back “Exiles” Book with New Roster and Creative Team
Marvel continues its nostalgia based publishing strategy with the announcement of a new Exiles book from writer Saladin Ahmed and artist Javier Rodriguez. Ahmed is coming off his well received Black Bolt series.
As those...
Marvel unveils the secrets of Matt Murdock’s birth
It seems there are still a few stories that haven't been told in the Marvel Universe, and one of them is the tale of Matt Murdock's mother—introduced as Sister Maggie in the Frank Miller/David...
31 Days of Halloween: Daredevil’s Halloween Adventure
As a tribute to the now departed but still loved Daredevil, here's a preview of the issue out today, Daredevil #32, with story by Mark Waid, art and cover by Chris Samnee and colors by Javier Rodriguez. This book is going to be missed.