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Tag: Dan Abnett

The 2000 AD ANNUAL returns after thirty years!

Rebellion has announced the return of the 2000 AD Annual after a hiatus of over thirty years – alongside the second release of their popular Treasury of British Comics Annual

INTERVIEW: Dan Abnett discusses bringing VAMPIRELLA & THE SUPERPOWERS together

The writer continues the Powers Saga with the Daughter of Drakulon
Wilds End

Abnett and Culbard embark on a new adventure in the world of WILD’S END

After a 5 year hiatus the fan-favorite series returns this June
Best of 2000 AD

TRADE RATING: Best of 2000 AD Vol. 2

The Best of 2000 AD anthology series continues to deliver.

Rebellion and Garth Ennis bring back UK title BATTLE ACTION this summer with a...

The success of last year's Battle Action special has given the title another shot at life. Garth Ennis will be joined by a fleet of writers and artists for a new five issue miniseries of the anthology title, starting May 2023.

GROOT gets an origin story in new miniseries from Abnett and Couceiro

The series marks a return to Marvel Cosmic for writer Dan Abnett, who helped redefined the Guardians of the Galaxy in 2008.

Celebrate 2000AD turning 45 with our picks of old and new

The Beat's Dean Simons recommends 4 classic titles and 5 recent favourites to celebrate 2000AD's forty-fifth anniversary.

Marvel celebrates Darkhawk’s 30th anniversary with DARKHAWK: HEART OF THE HAWK special

The one-shot special will feature a trio of stories celebrating the character's history within the Marvel Universe.
Dejah Thoris (Vol. 3) #6

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: DEJAH THORIS (VOL. 3) #6 marks the end of the second arc

Will the Princess of Mars face a dangerous killer?
Dejah Thoris (Vol. 3)#4

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: DEJAH THORIS (VOL. 3) #4 marks a new arc for readers to...

The fourth issue of the series forecasts a terrible storm for the Princess of Mars

REVIEW: BEST OF 2000 AD living up to its title

They really weren't kidding with this "Best" business!
Dejah Thoris #2

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: The outcast Princess of Mars is still fighting to save Barsoom in...

The second installment of the new series continues the mystery behind the planet’s current troubles