Tag: comixology
Digital comics platform GlobalComix reports surge in readership and enrollment
GlobalComix say they have seen a surge in usage and readership since Comixology was absorbed into Amazon.
THE PANIC writer Neil Kleid discusses his favorite New York stories
Plus check out an exclusive preview of THE PANIC #3, due out next week from Comixology Originals.
What is going on with: Oni Press, Comixology, Substack???
The week's new has left many people asking "wha hoppen?"
Comixology Originals changes: Chip Mosher leaves, Bryce Gold in
Chip Mosher is leaving Amazon and his role heading up Comixology Originals for a new position, while Bryce Gold will take over
Trotman & Hawken’s DELVER SEASON TWO coming from Comixology Originals next week
The fantasy series will also be released in print by Dark Horse Comics in early 2023.
Pires & Diotto’s YOUTH Volume 2 comes to print from Dark Horse next year
The release is the latest print collection from Dark Horse Books of a Comixology Originals digital series.
COMIXOLOGY tweets about improvements to controversial service rollout
After months of silence, Comixology finally tweets new updates on the status of fixes to the revamped app
PREVIEW: Domo & Jocasta butt heads in Wheeler & Saavedra’s LOVE AND WAR #3
The third issue of the Comixology Originals romantic comedy series is due out next week.
Pollack, Corallo, & Cabrera invite you to THE NEVER ENDING PARTY
Tarot readings and cult rituals gone wrong in the latest Comixology Originals series.
Comixology eliminates in-app purchase function on Android
As Google clamps down on Play Store billing, Amazon withdraws in-app purchases from the Comixology Android app
Andy Diggle and Nick Brokenshire bring a modern take on Celtic mythology with COLD...
Four issue supernatural thriller steeped in Celtic mythology launches next week
PREVIEW: The film rolls at last in Snyder & Francavilla’s NIGHT OF THE GHOUL...
The final issue of the Comixology Originals series arrives digitally next week.