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02/02/2018 Small Pres & Indie Comics Galore

  -- Nice Art § This month's nice art is by Zane Zlemeša, a Latvian artist whose done some work with Kuš! Comics. Her work has a lot of textures, bold colours, an interesting way to add layers...

01/05/2018: Small Press & Indie Comics Galore New Year’s Edition

-- Nice Art § I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Welcome to 2018. Let's start this year with some nice art from Maddi Gonzalez, a Mexican-American illustrator based in Minneapolis. She's worked on a number...

12/01/2017: Small Press & Indie Comics Galore

  Nice Art This month's nice art is by Priya Huq, a cartoonist and illustrator based in Chicago. She's the creator of the web comics Mana, which I found to be quite engaging since it's launch last...

11/01/2017 Small Press & Indie Comics Galore

Nice Art This month's nice art comes from Sarah Robbins. She made 31 small prints with a Halloween theme. It looks nice and the shades of red and grey looks very sharp and...

10/05/2017: Small Press & Indie Comics Galore

Nice Art § Philippe here with some small press & indie comics update, albeit a few days later than usual. This month's nice art section comes from Janice Liu, a Vancouver-based comic artist...

09/01/2017: Small Press & Indie Comics Galore

  Nice art The above images are from Ann Xu. I like her work and her use of colour. I've bookmarked her website as something to check out. I'm on vacation this week and am...

08/01/2017: Small Press & Indie Comics Galore

§ Nice Art § Zviane contributed a wonderful illustration for the month of August in a 2017 calendar and it is beautiful. Perhaps it's the weather, or the fact I'm going camping next week, but this...

01/07/2017: Canada 150 Special: Small Press & Indie Comics

  -- § For this monthly "Small Press & Indie Comics Galore", we'll focus more than usual on Canadian content to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary! My small contribution to the event. -- § Nice art: Let's start with Montreal...

01/06/17: Small Press and Indie Comics News Galore

§ Hi everyone, Philippe here with some micro press, small press and indie comics links and news. § Nice art: The above image is from Xia Gordon, a phenomenal cartoonist from Orlando (now based in NYC)....

ComicsAlliance to shutter its doors today

And then there were...five. Comics Alliance is shutting down, effective today, In fitting sign of the state of comics journalism , the news was scooped by another site whose lede was about how they...