Strange Adventures, the next comic from the critically-acclaimed creative team of Tom King and Mitch Gerads, is slated to arrive with a first issue on March 4, publisher DC Comics announced Thursday.

The book, which stars Silver Age DC character Adam Strange, will mark the third 12-issue maxi-series from King and Gerads, following the Vertigo book Sheriff of Babylon and the recently-concluded Mister Miracle. This time around, the team will also add artist Evan ‘Doc’ Shaner to the mix. King and Gerads have won what is best described as a boatload of Eisners for their past collaborations.

This new comic (which also saw its first preview pages released Thursday) is being compared by DC marketing to the publisher’s most-venerated classics, specifically Watchmen, The Dark Knight: Returns, and DC: The New Frontier. Those three books are, essentially, a holy trinity of evergreen graphic novels for the publisher, and they just continue to sell and sell and sell and sell.

As far as Strange Adventures, the press release notes it is “a story of blood, war, and love…” In addition to Adam Strange, the book will feature a yet-to-be-announced second character. In press materials, King notes that Adam Strange “is one of a long line of characters—like Tarzan and Flash Gordon, stolid men with dimpled chins who thrive in ‘foreign lands’—who stand in as a metaphor for a 19th century European dream of colonialism.” He goes on to explain that colonialism was nothing like this dream, and that he is interested in the “bloody” gap between myth and reality.

As far as the second surprise hero, King also said he wants to tell two stories simultaneously and have them play off each other. That’s where the two artists come in, with one illustrating each take.

Each issue of Strange Adventures will span 28 pages of story. Strange Adventures #1 will retail for $4.99.

The first preview art from the new book can be found below, along with the covers by Gerads and Shaner…

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures


  1. “He is interested in the “bloody” gap between myth and reality.” I’m sure this will be quality, but I just want a joyful celebration of the comic book medium from King at DC. Also, the mystery character has to be Hawkman, right?

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