In this week’s Small Press Spotlight, we’re focusing in on Establishing Shot, a two-sided, flip-book 40-page anthology collection.
Establishing Shot
The book consists of color shorts “that play with the comic conventions in a meta way.” Writer Will O’Mullane describes the book as featuring a mix of black-and-white crime-slanted stories, Buster Keaton-style physical comedy, hard-boiled crime stories, and more. 
The comic also includes a who’s who of art and letters: Alfie Gallagher (The Gentlemen Ghouls, Earthworks), Lane Lloyd (Sable, God-Puncher), Edison Neo (No Brainer), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Red Sonja, PanelxPanel), Jonathan Stevenson (Disconauts), Daniel Romero (When The Blood Has Dried), Clark Bint (Killtopia), and Butch Mapa (Star Wars, Avengers). Cover art is by Death Drop: Drag Assassin illustrator Alex Moore.
O’Mullane shared:
Establishing Shot is a collection of short comic book stories, in two parts. All the stories on one side are meta, full-colour explorations of the comic book medium in a comedic, slapstick-style fashion drawn by the amazing Alfie Gallagher, Lane Lloyd, Edison Neo with lettering by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou and Jonathan Stevenson; and then you flip the comic over and on side “b,” there are black-and-white crime yarns that explore darker themes but with a bit of a looser, acidic bite to them – drawn by Daniel Romerou, Butch Mapa, and Clark Bint with letters provided by Jonathan Stevenson.” 
For more info on Establishing Shot, head here and stay tuned for more on the follow-up companion comic Second Chances, featuring stories from Luke Balmer-Kemp, Fabian Lelay, JR Harris, and Marco Perugini.
Check out some preview art below!