Once again it’s the weekend, and that means it’s time for Weekend Reading 66! As always here at Stately Beat Manor, we’re going to spend our weekend reading… and we hope you’ll share your reading plans with us, too! Let us know what you’ll be paging through, either here in the comment section or over on social media @comicsbeat!
AVERY KAPLAN: This weekend, I’m going to be reading Jane’s World Volume 1 by Paige Braddock! Then, my wife Rebecca Kaplan (no relation to Billy) gifted me an autographed copy of Penny: A Graphic Memoir by Karl Stevens from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum online shop, so I’ll be spending some time enjoying this beautiful feline narrative.
AJ Frost: Oh hey, everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve popped in here to share my weekend reading plan. I’m excited to crack open Rebecca and Lucie in the Case of the Missing Neighbor (Drawn & Quarterly) by Pascal Girard. It looks like Bored to Death by way of Tintin with the whole element of new motherhood mixed in for good measure. The cartooning is bright and whimsical, the storyline intriguing, and the answer to the mystery elusive! This is the perfect beach read… even though I’m in the middle of an urban heat island! But hey… Thank the Lord for air conditioning!
TAIMUR DAR: I’ve definitely been making good use of ComiXology Unlimited for the last few months. Taking a trip down ‘90s by checking out the first two trades of Spawn. Nothing against the character but never felt the need to explore the character but this “Year of the Spawn” thing has me interested, particularly in the guest writer issues like Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman. I’ll also be checking out the Sam & Twitch series that Brian Michael Bendis worked on with the television adaptation announced.
GREGORY PAUL SILBER: This week for my Silber Linings column, I participated in Shelfdust’s inter-outlet “SeCritic Invasion” crossover event to talk about The Mighty Avengers #16, a Secret Invasion tie-in. But as I noted in that article, I never got around to reading the main event itself, Secret Invasion by writer Brian Michael Bendis, penciler Leinil Francis Yu, inker Mark Morales, colorist Laura Martin, and letterer Chris Eliopoulos. So I dunno, maybe I should finally read it this weekend? I don’t like “event” comics as a general rule (with some exceptions, they usually read like soulless corporate table-setting), but I like those creators, and the premise seems like a recipe for silly fun.
DEAN SIMONS: Been feeling a bit blue lately so turned to rereading a favourite recent comic, Gengoroh Tagame’s My Brother’s Husband. A tale of loss, overcoming prejudice, and cultural difference, it remains an uplifting and pure delight. I am also tempted to try and finish Paco Roca’s The House but it might be hitting too close for me at the moment. We shall see.