April continues unabated, and to prove it, here’s the arrival of Weekend Reading 157!

As ever, we’re hoping that you’ll share your weekend reading plans with us. Let us know what you plan to page through, either right here in the comment section or over on social media @comicsbeat!

Weekend Reading 157
Weekend Reading 157: Danse Macabre.

CY BELTRAN: I’ve finally completed my trek thru Stephen King’s The Stand… and now it’s time to continue my march toward The Dark Tower with… Danse Macabre? Ok ok, so I might be taking another slight detour, but there are some really cool essays and ideas from the book that I wanna check out (along with an essay about The Stand I wanna read) before I leap into anything else. As for comics, I plan to head to my LCBS at some point and grab the latest issues of Superman, Nightcrawlers, Amazing Spider-Man and Poison Ivy (all by a host of amazing creators!).

Weekend Reading 157
Weekend Reading 157: Hidden Systems.

AVERY KAPLAN: This weekend, I’m going to be continuing Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the Systems We Use Every Day by Dan Nott. This fascinating non-fiction comic illuminates some of the titular hidden systems which surround us and affect us every day, but which we might take for granted. Then, as far as prose goes, I am inspired by Cy’s entry to revisit Danse Macabre.

Weekend Reading 157
Weekend Reading 157: The Milestone 30th Anniversary Special.

Taimur Dar: The Milestone 30th Anniversary one-shot has been sitting at the top of my read pile for weeks now. I’ve been waiting to have less stuff on my plate so I can actually and properly enjoy it. This weekend looks to be the best time so I’ll be digging into it at long last.

Weekend Reading 157: One Piece Vol. 62.

DEAN SIMONS: As I nurse a bad cold (in April?!) I shall be engaging in comfort reading – mainly continuing my read-through of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece. Currently at volume 62, where the Straw Hat crew finally reach Fish Man Island. Unfortunately, my Comixology HD editions were downgraded over a year ago by Amazon and not restored so it is hard to read the copies I paid for – Oda can have very busy panels with character details occurring in the background – so I am alternating between the poor Comixology downgrades and Shuesha’s free Manga Plus app – which gives the option to select resolution (if only the Shonen Jump app were this advanced) at the major disadvantage that you can only read it once – so stay focused and don’t leave the app!

You can peruse the 156 previous entries in The Beat’s Weekend Reading archive by clicking here. Weekend Reading is edited by Avery Kaplan.