
Today I sat in the press room for The Flash, which included stars Grant Gustin, Tom Cavanagh (who will be returning next season), Candace Patton, Carlos Valdes, Jesse L. Martin, John Wesley Shipp and show producer Andrew Kreisberg. Typically, it’s a bit challenging to get too many details out of the cast and crew for any television series in this kind of environment. But just ahead of their big panel tonight in Hall H, I was able to squeeze a few hints from Gustin about what can be expected in the highly anticipated second season of the series.

The first question that came up related to where Barry finds himself given the cliffhanger we were left with at the end of Season 1:

When we’re coming back, we’re going to see how the singularity affected everybody and kind of piece together exactly what happened. It’s not a completely direct pick-up and the Flash is getting a lot of acclaim from the city for being a hero at this point. And Barry is having a hard time dealing with that, just because, as we all know, Eddie stopped Wells. He was the hero that day and Barry knows that and is kind of having a hard time dealing with the attention. He’s kind of shunned everyone he works with because he doesn’t want anyone else to have to die. He’s kind of going about things a different way when we find him at the beginning of Season 2.

In a follow-up, Gustin addressed this topic further:

I think the biggest thing, as Season 1 was winding down, he was getting a lot of confidence. He knew what he was doing, he had that team behind him, and they all felt like they could take down these metahumans and do something good. But that’s all kind of been turned on its head for season 2. Barry’s going to be spending a lot of time this season maturing, trying to find confidence again, he’s working with a new mentor that’s going to help him hone some new powers pretty early on. He discovers a new power in the second episode that I’m pretty excited about.

This mentor detail made my ears perk up, so I pressed further and asked if that may tie into Geoff Johns‘ revelation about Jay Garrick appearing on the series:

Could be.

And finally on that same topic, Gustin danced around it a bit when asked what he’s excited for fans to see next season:

I don’t know too much about what else is to come. I know some vague things, other than the first two episodes that I read. Things that have kind of been vaguely mentioned with mentors and iconic characters and what not (looks directly at me) that were teased in the season finale even. I think that’s the biggest thing I’m excited about that I think fans will be excited about as well.

Many in the Press Corps at SDCC also noticed that the Flash costume that’s on display on the show floor (at DC’s Booth) has a white emblem instead of the red emblem that we’ve seen so far. We had to find out more:

That’s a thing, yeah, I shot in the suit on my first or second day of filming in the red emblem. But, yeah, I will be in that suit pretty soon.

And what about future cross-overs with Arrow and the upcoming spin-off DC’s Legends of Tomorrow?:

There’s some crossovers already planned….throughout the year and probably at the end of the year. I think it’s going to start to become kind of a staple, I think it was Episode 8 that The Flash and Arrow crossed-over, I think that’s going to be the time every year, provided we still have tv shows.

And finally, in terms of fun questions, I hearkened to the idea that perhaps The Flash should produce a musical episode, given the singing chops of so many of its castmates and if he’s pursued that idea with the producers:

No (laughing), I have not. Although I am pushing fun in general on the show, and maybe even the karaoke bar we went to becoming a frequent place we can go, bring Cisco, and just have it be a set to hang out on and squeeze in karaoke moments here and there. I think a musical episode is like a season 10 kind of thing, if we make it.

Very exciting details all around, particularly the idea that perhaps Jay Garrick might be introduced as early as one of the first 2 episodes. Based on something I heard from Andrew Kreisberg, it’s probably the second episode, as he stated there would be a huge fight scene in that episode that fans have waited for. “Flash of Two Worlds” anyone?

The second season of The Flash premieres on October 6th.






  1. Fan of comics and comicbook men on AMC but The Flash is a bad show. The acting and writing are second class at best. Bad even for CW

  2. John, no. Just no. It might be the most exciting show on network, and is easily the jewel in CWs superhero crown. It’s everything a comic book adaptation should be.

  3. Count me as “retarded” too. Few people are bigger fans of the “real” Barry Allen Flash. THIS isn’t that. THIS show simply uses the label ‘Barry Allen’ and cast a kid who looks and acts like Peter Parker Spider-Man. Barry’s laid back and serious. This guy is a loosy-goofy wisecracker. This is light years from the real Barry Allen Flash. —- (The New52 Flash is also not the real Barry Allen Flash–just another case of identity theft. It took Geoff Johns’s Rebirth story, sucked all the real Barry Allen out of it, and left us with a shell of a character. But even it is closer to the real Barry Allen than this TV series.) —— Oh, and fan ratings mean zilch; IMO, DC’s fans are the LEAST demanding fans ever. They’ll buy and love just about anything DC puts out; just look at the utterly weak resistance to the new Wally West–a lame Jason Todd ripoff while the very strong character built up by the likes of Mark Waid and Geoff Johns ceases to exist. I used to loathe Dan Didio for his reckless handling of DC’s properties, but he apparently understands that his customers don’t much care at all what’s between the covers–so long as it re-uses a familiar name.

  4. Wow! I cannot believe there are people that think The Flash is a bad show. I could understand the argument that you are a Marvel fan and not DC or The Flash is your least favorite superhero or even that it does not interest you. But to say it is bad is moronic. I think the two morons above should check into the Betty Ford clinic.

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