Tag: SDCC ’15
SDCC ’15: Bengal on The Narrative of Action and Influences in Manga
Bengal is a comics artist residing in Reims, France. His published work includes Naja, Luminae, and Meka published in the US by Magnetic Press and Batgirl: Endgame and Batgirl Annual #3 (not published at the time of this interview). On the last day of San Diego Comic-Con 2015, I had the good fortune to chat with Bengal, tucked in the back of the very busy Magnetic Press booth.
SDCC ’15: Our Animation and Comics Creator Interviews in Audio-form
Here's where I finally release what's left of our SDCC audio content...as a follow-up to last week's set of DC and Marvel Television interviews, here are our chats on the animated side of things...
SDCC ’15: Asaf Hankua & Boaz Lavie Talk Masculinity, Fatherhood, and Endless War in...
The Divine is a new graphic novel published by First Second created by illustrators Asaf Hanuka (The Realist), Tomer Hanuka (Placebo Man), and writer Boaz Lavie. Asaf and Boaz reside in Tel Aviv, Israel while Tomer lives in New York City. On a hectic Thursday afternoon, I was fortunate to talk to Boaz and Asaf about their new book - unfortunately Tomer was unavailable.
SDCC ’15: Listen to our interviews with the stars of DC and Marvel Television...
For those of you who don't know, my fellow Entertainment Editor, Hannah Lodge and I, along with Beat Contributors Harper Harris and Cal Cleary, host a mostly-weekly podcast together for our site, GeekRex (where we...
SDCC ’15: We talk cape snaps, controversy and cons with the Batgirl of Burnside...
At SDCC '15 I talked with the Burnside Batgirl crew about their creative origins, how the look that launched a thousand cosplays came to be, how to handle creative criticism, and their earliest con experiences.
SDCC ’15: Tom Cavanagh tells us about Eobard Thawne’s favorite snack food
For those who don't know, Tom Cavanagh (who plays Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash on CW's The Flash) has a podcast with comedian Michael Ian Black called "Mike and Tom Eat Snacks", of which the...
SDCC ’15: How was your Activation?
As many have noted, this year's San Diego Comic-Con was a success in that, unlike years past, no one got run over by a car, fell off a gate, got stabbed in the eye or died trying to get into a Twilight panel. The last few years of the Con, everyone has gotten used to the whole "It's too big and crazy!" mindset so they've figured out how to deal with whatever logistical nightmares need to be overcome to experience Peak Con Moment. I wasn't even hungry once this show, for reasons I'll explain in down below. (Spoiler alert: trail mix.) However I joked around with the original "eating scraps" crew, filmmakers Jordan Renneart and Patrick Meaney about the bad old days many times. I think everyone joked about the bad old days when we didn't know how to survive Comic-Con. We're Navy Seals now, trained and elite.
SDCC ’15: Listen to the full ‘Grant Morrison: The Multiversity And Beyond’ Panel
By Harper Harris
Miss out on the 'Grant Morrison: The Multiversity and Beyond' panel at this year's San Diego Comic Con? Never fear! Hear Morrison talk to DC's VP of Marketing John Cunningham about his ideas for The...
SDCC ’15: What’s In A Page Panel w/Hanuka, Steinke, McCloud, & Yang Breaks Down...
By Victor Van Scoit
A great comic book let’s your brain relax and enjoy as you take in each page of the story. You’re not trying to figure out which panel to read next, or...
SDCC ’15 Interview: Scott McCloud’s Storytelling, Anxieties, and Mindfulness on The Sculptor
At San Diego Comic-Con I had a chance to sit with Scott McCloud where we talked about industry changes and how storytelling has changed as our world has gotten smaller, creative anxieties and mindful awareness, the art of visual communication, and how that all influenced his latest book The Sculptor.
SDCC ’15: Tula Lotay on ‘Supreme’, ‘Heartless’, and Finding Your Feet
Tula Lotay is a comics artist and illustrator from the UK. Her published works include Supreme: Blue Rose, Bodies, Elephantmen. She also serves as the Festival Director for the lauded Thought Bubble show in Leeds. On a very busy Saturday of San Diego Comic-Con 2015, Tula and I caught up on her work on Supreme and Zero as well as her upcoming work in The Wicked + The Divine and Heartless.
SDCC ’15 Interview: Marguerite Bennett talks DC Comics’ “Bombshells”
By Nick Eskey
DC Collectible’s popular Bombshells figures have recently been green lighted for its own comic, written by Margurite Bennett with art by Margurite Sauvage and set in an alternate reality of WWII where...