Jamie S. Rich, Senior Editor at Vertigo is resurrecting his interview series Back to the Gutters from it’s grave. New episodes start Wednesday February 17th and have a slew of guests from Vertigo projects and beyond including Benjamin Dewey (I Was the Cat), Sierra Hahn (BOOM! Studios Editor), Robbi Rodriguez (Spider-Gwen), Jeff Parker (Aquaman), Ibrahim Moustafa (The Flash: Season Zero), Joelle Jones (Helheim), Steve Lieber (Superior Foes of Spider-Man), Randy Bowen (Bowen Designs) and Emi Lenox (EmiTown).
The story came straight from a post via the Back to the Gutters website along with a video revealing that the project will be more than just a simple process interview show. Rich is shown with his guests in interesting situations involving dancing, old timey car driving and sculpting along with more about his guests’ artistic process. The theme surrounding Back to the Gutters seems to revolve around the comics process with the tagline on the site being; Talking Shop with Comics Creators. Newsarama reports that Benjamin Dewey will take over hosting duties halfway through the season to let Rich go back to working at Vertigo.
“Our intent with Back the Gutters is to peel back the page a bit and show you the creators behind your favorite comics — both as artists and as people,” said Rich. “We’re going to dig down to uncover the motivations behind choosing comics as a profession, and the personalities that bring these stories to life, so that we can start to see the art and the artist as a singular unit.”
The episodes will each run 20-minutes, weekly from February to March. There’s even an episode where Rich himself is interviewed by Joelle Jones.