Resonant #1

Writer: David Andry
Artist: Alejandro Aragon
Colors: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Publisher: Vault Comics
Price: $3.99

“The world is empty and full of nothing.” That’s the mantra you will need to survive Resonant #1. Vault Comics’ new series premieres this month, debuting an apocalyptic universe where humanity’s worst impulses plunge the world into complete chaos.

Written by David Andry and drawn by Alejandro Aragon, the world of Resonant is a scary place. The threat is humanity itself, which can be more horrific than the worst monster. Based on the concept of the Call of the Void where frightening thoughts are passive and fleeting, the Waves of Resonant are not just unsettling moments that pass quickly. These go beyond quick, dark thoughts that every person experiences. Instead, they come to life all at the same time, leaving behind a broken world.

The story begins a decade after the first Wave. We meet Paxton and his three children, Bec, Stef, and Ty in their secluded cabin that protects them from Waves. Unfortunately Stef is ill and needs medicine to survive. Paxton is forced to venture out to find what he needs to keep his children alive and safe. Armed with “chirpers” that signal another Wave is coming, the single father sets out, leaving Bec in charge of her brothers. Of course, the trip does not go as planned.

As far as horror goes, Andry’s story fits perfectly in the genre. Here we have a universe that is scary and unpredictable, and the villain is not some beast chasing teens around in the dark. The monster in the closet is humanity’s dark side, which proves to be incredibly dangerous and devastating. The writer perfectly draws you in by establishing a sympathetic family just trying to survive the only world they have. Paxton’s desperation to keep his kids safe is real. That these children have only known this world is tragic.

Aragon’s fluid art captures the terrifying landscape with the aid of Jason Wordie’s earthy colors. Completing the picture and bringing each character’s emotions right to the surface are Deron Bennett’s letters.

Overall, Resonant #1 is a strong start. When it comes to horror, sometimes what you don’t see is scarier than what you do, but survival and protecting your family are more important than whatever is hiding in the Wave.

To get your copy of the comic head to your local comic shop or visit Vault’s website for more.

Resonant #1 Resonant #1 Resonant #1



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