Last week’s episode of The Flash left us with a cliffhanger: Nora and Deon were successful in their mission to eliminate their siblings, Alexa and Bashir. They also target Iris for some reason, leaving Barry helpless again. But this week turned everything upside down. Bashir was quicker than his nemesis and created an illusion of death so his siblings would flee the scene, and they did.
After clashing with Nora multiple times, Team Flash concludes the only way to keep the ‘family’ of elemental forces safe was to move them inside the speed force where Nora can’t find them, essentially a dead zone. The Flash leaves the three victims at this safehouse disguised as West’s home where Barry and Iris grew up.
The Flash is unable to spend any more time in the dead zone as Nora summons him back. She sensed he was up to something that she couldn’t track. She also senses that Bashir tricked her into thinking that the siblings were dead and threatens The Flash to bring them to her. When she leaves, the whole of Central City is blanketed with thunder clouds and unexplainable lightning strikes causing civilian damage. Cecile gets attacked by a purple lightning and is now under observation at S.T.A.R. Labs.
It even brings down one of the walls at Iron Heights, freeing many meta criminals including Mark Blaine/Chillblaine (Liam McIntyre). Frost didn’t want to escape prison but fights many of these criminals to bring them back. Her encounter with Chillblaine was a highlight of The Flash, season 7, episode 11 “Family Matters, Part II” because it hints at Frost’s possible love interest!
After a hideous confrontation with Nora that left Deon unconscious, Barry scrambles to keep everyone alive in the City. Iris returns from the dead-zone and informs him that Bashir and Alexa were going to take down Nora by themselves. This is when the title of the two-parter makes sense: instead of separating the four siblings, the Team should have focused on bringing them closer. And when they arrive at this conclusion, Bashir and Alexa arrive on scene to help them out. Thanks to the cosmic connection between the conduits, they could hear their thoughts! Except that Nora ignores these thoughts so she’s probably out there by herself trying to tear the City down (actually not so). It wasn’t Nora who unleashed a storm upon the City, it’s the other three who are unable to control their powers.
Now the three siblings and The Flash head out to make truce with Nora and to establish a family bond. She transports them inside the speed force and ruthlessly attacks them. Strangely she stops and brings them back outside to witness an inverse big bang about to envelope more than just the City. With three minutes on the countdown, Deon takes Nora to a possible time in future where she’s all alone. Just the idea of it breaks her. I was expecting something more than just another confrontation but this simple yet classy take on knowing your own future bearing consequences hit home. With the big bang about to happen, Nora teams up with her siblings and powers The Flash to stop the storm.
Towards the end of the day, all four forces move to the then dead-zone, now teeming with life, that Nora couldn’t previously tap into. Something changed for the better. Family does matter after all? The episode ends with Barry and Iris planning to start their own family as well. Does this mean we’ll finally get to meet Bart Allen? YAAAS.
Watch The Flash Season 7 Tuesdays on The CW.