Trailblazing writer Rachel Pollack has passed away after a long illness.
Her wife Zoe Matoff posted on FB:
I am sad to tell you that our beloved Rachel Pollack passed so peacefully and beautifully today at about 12:45 p.m. after a touching ceremony called Hand to Heart. Several of us stood in a circle. I had my hand on her heart. I began the circle by saying how much I love her and what she means to me. Each took their turn after me sharing their own feelings and appreciation of Rachel. I know that Rachel will continue to be a Light in this world and in the next. She will continue to inspire so many of our beloved Tarot community, the Science Fiction and Fantasy community, the Comics community, and the Transgender community for whom she shared so much respect and care. We have felt and cherished your love and prayers over the past months and years as Rachel experienced so many health challenges. We are One.
Pollack was best known in comics for her run on Doom Patrol at Vertigo, but she was also a famed for her knowledge of the Tarot, via works such as Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot, one of the most essential works ever written on the subject.
Pollack’s Doom Patrol run started in 1993, following Grant Morrison’s epic stint, but she held up her end of the bargain, working with Richard Case, Linda Medley and Ted McKeever to introduce characters such as Charlie the Doll, The Bandage People and The SRS (Sexually Remaindered Spirits), and Kate Godwin, the first trans superhero.
This is a bummer. I knew she’d been quite ill so this isn’t a surprise, but it still is saddening to hear.
In the midst of reading the DP omnibus right now, so this news has some weight for me. Many thanks to Rachael Pollack. Goodbye.
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