You loved them in Action Philosophers!, and thrilled to them in Comic Book History of Comics
—now Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey are telling it like it was with the American Presidency with Action Presidents. The series wil be released as a digital series on ComiXology, starting next week. Here’s a wee preview and the PR, but know that the van Lente/Dunlavey team is renowned for their research and natural ability to explain historical stuff in a fascinating and entertaining way. So BOOKMARK!
Evil Twin Comics is proud to announce that the first issue of their latest non-fiction comedy masterpiece, Action Presidents, will go live on the popular digital comics service Comixology on Wednesday, November 13, 2013.
Written by Fred Van Lente and drawn by Ryan Dunlavey, first issue profiles the nation’s first chief executive, the “Father of His Country,” George Washington, in the hilarious-but-accurate manner of their previous works, Action Philosophers (“Totally irreverent and maniacally imaginative” — Publisher’s Weekly) and The Comic Book History of Comics (“Why did you send us this?” — Modern Bride).
“Long-announced, finally-arrived, Action Presidents will profile a different Chief Executive in each issue, at least until we start getting to the really lame ones,” explained Evil Twin Comics’ Co-Owner, Head Writer and Janitorial Assistant, Fred Van Lente.
In related news, Evil Twin Comics reaffirmed its commitment to staying in New York City indefinitely, specifically beneath a bridge spanning the Gowanus Canal. “It’s just cozy here,” said Co-Owner, Head Artist and Part-Time Troll, Ryan Dunlavey, between dumpster dives.
“George Washington” was originally commissioned by the literacy non-profit Reading with Pictures as part of the successful Kickstarter for their upcoming Graphic Textbook project.
For now, Action Presidents will be Evil Twin Comics’ first digital-only series, each issue premiering on Comixology and retailing for $1.99, with a special dead tree edition available through distributor Tony Shenton and at conventions. Once the creators have five or six issues under their belt they will announce plans for a collected, paper book edition.