Once again, Chevy produced a white car, and allowed various artists to modify the body with body art.
(Here are pictures from 2011. Scroll down.)
The car, a Chevy Camaro with a matte finish (yes, I touched it!), was roped off at the entrance to Artists Alley.
As can be seen on the schedule, a variety of illustrators were invited to sketch on the body of the car, using mostly ink.
(I surmise that the matte finish was so that it would accept the media better, with a possible clear coat applied later. Or perhaps not, if the car is for display purposes only.)
All right, I’m gonna type this in my best Kayne West voice and say, all these artists did a wonderful job but Ken Lashley KILLED his STAR WARS themed white Passat. KIILED IT I tell ya! Drops mic. I’m out.
WOW! That Star Wars car is AMAZING. I would totally roll down the streets in that thing.
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