Archie Comics complaint against co-CEO Nancy Silberkleit for sexual harassment has been going around for a while. New information includes recent filings in which Silberkleit asked to dismiss the case because the white men she was accused of harassing aren’t members of a “protected class.” Archie lawyers affidavited back with claims that…this motion to dismiss should be denied. For a sexual harassment case, this is notably lacking in juicy details. You can read the filings below and they are heavy on precedent, although we’ll comb through them for more dirt. However new claims are that Silberkleit used the word “penis” to refer to her male employees, which is harassment, but no butt grabbing.
The Archie/Silberkleit legal war has been going on for some time, with Archie claiming that her actions are disruptive and ruining the company, and Silberkleit claiming she’s the victim of sexual discrimination herself. While there are colorful details such as Silberkleit hiring a former Hell’s Angel as a bodyguard, this seems to be the worst case of office politics ever.
Click to access silberkleitdimissalmotion.pdf
“New information includes recent filings in which Silberkleit asked to dismiss the case because the white men she was accused of harassing aren’t members of a “protected class.”
Hahahaha that is ridiculously awesome. What a delusional woman…
I have met Nancy S. a few times, and I have to say that this doesn’t really sound like her at all.
“However new claims are that Silberkleit used the word “penis” to refer to her male employees, which is harassment, but no butt grabbing.”
Weird to see a “progressive” website make light of workplace harassment. If a female comic worker was referred to as “vagina” by a male employer, would you down play it as not being “butt grabbing”? “But no butt grabbing” sounds like a distinction the offender should make, not someone writing about it.
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