Following Elon Musk’s use of a Milo Manara drawing to entice Donald Trump to use Twitter again, the Italian comics master clapped back on his Instagram account, with an even NEWER version of meme in which the pretty lady’s butt is now Dogecoin (a joke cryptocurrency that Musk supported for a while) and the tempted holy man is now Manara’s lawyer.

Manara wrote in both English and Italian:

“I wish Elon Musk would be forced to tweet a thousand times:
“I will never use Milo Manara drawings again without permission. I will never again use Milo Manara’s drawings without permission. I will never again use…”

How about I sue him, asking for $44Bn in compensation? Then I could buy back Twitter and give it back to someone else to manage!

Vorrei che Elon Musk fosse obbligato a twittare mille volte:
Non userò mai più i disegni di Milo Manara senza permesso. Non userò mai più i disegni di Milo Manara senza permesso. Non userò mai più…

Che ne dite se gli faccio causa, chiedendogli 44Bn di $ di risarcimento? Così potrei ricomprare Twitter e ridarlo in gestione a qualcun altro!

While Manara is unlikely to have an actual legal beef here, it’s nice to see him standing up against the mercurial Musk, whose erratic management style has come under heavy fire in the mere two weeks he has been in control of Twitter.


All internet drama aside, it’s likely that the 77-year-old comics master is laughing at all the fuss. After all what does he have to worry about? He spends his time drawing sexy women, and was recently given a lifetime achievement award from the Lucca Comics Festival, being named a “Maestro of Comics.” It was also announced that he’s collaborating with Frank Miller for a new Sin City story from Frank Miller Presents, certainly subject matter well suited to Manara’s style.


Whether the thin-skinned Musk will take further aim at Manara remains to be seen – probably not since there’s not too much payoff in pwning an Italian comics artists….but never say never! If it gets the world’s richest man more attention, anything is possible…literally anything.