Congrats to Matt Bors on becoming the first alt-comix type to win the2012 HERBLOCK PRIZE, and its $15,000 cash award.
“It’s an honor and was completely unexpected,” the nationally syndicated Bors tells Comic Riffs. “I’m humbled to be included in the group of previous winners” — a list that includes such recent recipients as Politico’s Matt Wuerker and The Post’s Tom Toles.
Jen Sorensen, another indie cartoonist, was also a finalist and won $5000.
The prize is given to “distinguished examples of editorial cartooning that exemplify the courageous standard set by Herblock“, the esteemed Washington Post editorial cartoonist.
Bors’ recent work includes helping run, which runs political reporting from all over the globe, from David Axe and Tim Hamilton on the Congo to Sarah Glidden on Palestine.
Bors’ own work can be seen at Although editorial cartooning is an endangered occupation, commentators like Bors are keeping the standard high on the internet, and his recognition is a forward-looking move by the prize judges.
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This is great news! Matt is a swell fella and deserves this award!
Now if I could only get him to take a trip out to Boston…