§ AUDIO! Paul Pope and Dash Shaw In Conversation from TCAF.
§ Evan Dorkin looks back on his trip to the Center for Cartoon Studies and the commencement speech he delivered. Seeing as Dorkin is the author of the “Get out of comics free!” card, one wonders about the subject of this speech, but by all reports it went swimmingly.
§ Asako Suzuki, editorial director of the just-shuttered CMX manga line at DC, tweeted on the occasion:
[AS] Thanks for your love for CMX! Personally, it was very gratifying to know our books were so well-received and loved. Many, many thanks!
§ Matt Tauber went to WONDERFEST 2010 and wrote this report.
§ Noah Berlatsky interviews Tom Spurgeon about criticism, which is kind of odd, since Spurgeon has made no secret of his frequent bafflement at Berlatsky’s attitudes. So yes, there is snark. And then in the comments, things get really weird, with all kinds of passive aggressive cross examination in the Nerd Hague court (Tom’s phrase) with reference to year-old Comics Comics comment threads. But it is all worth it because…
I bet you say that to all the boys.
Is it just my browser/OS, or do all the comments at TCJ look like ransom notes?
No, they look like ransom notes. The TCJ site has a horrible time with style sheets.
The Dorkin link is a misdirect, btw! I’ll have to see if I can hunt down what he said …
Thanks for the link. See you all at Wonderfest 2011!